About the Book
Part I: Introduction
1. Zymography Principles
Jeff Wilkesman and Liliana Kurz
Part II: Endopeptidase Zymography
2. Serine Protease Zymography: Low-Cost, Rapid, and Highly Sensitive RAMA Casein Zymography
Hidetaro Yasumitsu
3. Cysteine Protease Zymography: Brief Review
Jeff Wilkesman
4. Aspartic Protease Zymography Case Study: Detection of Fungal Acid Proteases by Zymography
Gavin Kernaghan and Michael Mayerhofer
5. Detection of Aspartic Proteinase Activities Using Gel Zymography
Handunge Kumudu Irani Perera
6. MMP Activity Detection in Zymograms
Péter Bencsik, Monika Bartekova, Anikó Görbe, Krisztina Kiss, János Pálóczi, Jana Radosinska, Gergő Szűcs, and Péter Ferdinandy
7. Characterization of Novel Collagenolytic Proteases
Goran Mucic, Brankica Raskovic, and Natalija Polovic
8. Zymography as a Research Tool in the Study of Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors
Zongli Ren, Juanjuan Chen, and Raouf A. Khalil
9. Detection and Characterization of Bacterial Proteinases Using Zymography
Madathiparambil G. Madanan and Ambili Mechoor
10. A Sensitive, Rapid, and Specific Technique for the Detection of Collagenase Using Zymography
Shivcharan Prasad and Ipsita Roy
Part III: Reverse Zymography and In Situ Zymography
11. Reverse Zymography: Overview and Pitfalls
Kanika Sharma and Debasish Bhattacharyya
12. Cell In Situ Zymography: Imaging Enzyme-Substrate Interactions
Aastha Chhabra and Vibha Rani
Part IV: 2D Zymography
13. Examination of Gelatinase Isoforms in Rodent Models of Acute Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Two-Dimensional Zymography
Shanyan Chen, Fanjun Meng, Zhenzhou Chen, Zhe Qu, Jiankun Cui, and Zezong Gu
14. Two-Dimensional Zymography of Proteases from Steatotic Duck Liver
Jeff Wilkesman, María Fernanda Padrón, Liliana Kurz, and Hervé Rémignon
Part V: Special Zymography Cases
15. Simultaneous Detection of Activity and Relative Molecular Mass of Adenylate Kinases after SDS-PAGE and Blotting
Silvia Ravera and Isabella Panfoli
16. Silver-Stained Fibrin Zymography: Separation of Proteases and Activity Detection Using a Single Substrate-Containing Gel
Chang-Su Park, Dae-Ook Kang, and Nack