Embark on an unforgettable journey with Zora, the lovable Shih Tzu, in "Zora's Travels." In this delightful second installment of her adventures, Zora hits the road with her humans, exploring the wonders of the United States. From bustling cities to serene landscapes, Zora's travels are filled with exciting discoveries and heartwarming encounters.
Along the way, Zora meets a host of amazing friends-both human and animal-who teach her valuable lessons about friendship, bravery, and the joy of exploring new places. Each stop on their journey brings new sights, sounds, and experiences that make Zora's heart soar. Whether she's romping in a sunny park or taking in the sights of a busy city, Zora's infectious enthusiasm and curious spirit light up every page.
"Zora's Travels" is more than just an adventure story; it's a celebration of the bonds we form and the memories we create with those we love. With charming photos and Zora's endearing personality, this book will captivate children and animal lovers alike, inspiring them to embrace their own journeys with joy and wonder.
Join Zora on this pawsome road trip and discover the magic that lies just beyond the horizon. Perfect for readers of all ages, "Zora's Travels" is a heartwarming tale that reminds us all of the beauty of exploring the world with open hearts and wagging tails.
IRYNA (CHUTKO) COLVIN-SPENCER, the author is a retired business woman, and paralegal. The author has previously written three children's books dedicated to family life, and service to others. Over the years, Iryna had dedicated herself to serving others in her capacity as a member of the Lancaster Lions Club, Cheektowaga-Lancaster Zonta Organization, The Depew Boys & Girls Club, The Lancaster Youth Bureau, and was the founder of the "Tri Community Girls Club, briefly held office on the Depew Village Board. Her mother's dedication of serving others encouraged Iryna to do the same. With that concept in mind, Iryna wrote her children's books, "The Lion Pride," "My Dozen Angels," and "Zora's Letters," prompting parents and their children to take pride in their country, and their community.