About the Book
"David Serpa captures the very essence of truth in ZEN BUSINESS." (Susan Ebert, Broker/Owner, Signature Real Estate Group) "Love, love, love this book. It's absolutely the best book to take with you into this new decade!" (Rosie Rodriguez, Best-Selling Author, Inspiring Thought Leader, & Speaker.) "This book has opened my eyes to focus on the important things in life, like family and friends, which will fuel my success in business. A must read!" (David Godwin, LtCol (Ret), USMC AnnieMac Home Mortgage)David Serpa takes a spiritual approach to business, family, and life in Zen Business. Offering an alternative to the allusive strive for balance to those desperately seeking fo find it here in the West. If you find yourself sacrificing today for tomorrow, waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, or just unhappy with the person in the mirror, it may be time to slow down, reflect and open Zen Business. We come to understand Zen Business by reflecting on Bodhicitta (altruistic service), by being a true warrior and walking in the way of the Bushido (the Samurai Code), and in regularly engaging in Zazen and Mushin (meditation and no mind). We will think deeply on death, life, presence, breath, and detachment. And finally, we will analyze the connectivity of everything in the teachings of Islam/Sufism, Hinduism, modern day mysticism, and Christianity. We give extra focus to Christianity, as the "Religion of the West", in the final chapter as we dive deeply into ascension, Nirvana, the literal sigh of relief, and the decision to continue in the service of all sentient beings in Bodhi. The main focus of this book is not religious, as Zen Buddhism is not a religion, but on the spiritual zen mindset and lifestyle applied to business. There are a lot of wonderful books out there on spirituality and self-improvement but somehow we miss the fact that business and spirituality are not separate things! Everything is connected. Zen Business helps you open doors on the "spiritual practice" you are currently calling a "business". With an inspiring foreword by the intellectual and heart-centered co-founder of LabCoat Agents, Nick Baldwin, who offered Serpa the platform where he first spoke on Zen Business in 2018, you get even deeper insight into the breakdowns and building which took place in the background of Zen Business. Baldwin writes; "This is one of the great lessons you'll take away from "Zen Business." Appreciating your life and accomplishments without the world saying you haven't done enough. We will get to where we want to be when we get there. No one is rushing you so go at your own pace and own it."The business world has lost its way. It is time we were offered an alternative to the High "D", driving, hyper-aggressive, sell-more, be-more, do-more, hustling, grinding, number-crunching, bottom-line, cost-cutting, ego driven people posing in front of their sports cars, while comparing numbers, families, and bank accounts. This sort of striving has left many suicidal, medicated, and on the brink of losing everything. What can we do to reset? Be less of who you are not, open Zen Business, and start on your journey inward."ZEN BUSINESS is a breath of fresh air in the crowded (and often stuffy) world of business coaching. David Serpa molds an old Eastern wisdom into practical advice that will guide you through the ups and downs of business. You will discover that there is more to success than just HUSTLE! Yes, you can be a Rockstar agent while still having a life filled with joy, balance, and peace of mind. Highly recommended!" (Borino, Real Estate Coach, Author of the EXPIRED PLUS and FSBORINO.)