About the Book
Editorial Reviews - Zahlentheoretiker (20. Jahrhundert) From the Publisher Kapitel: Paul Erdos, André Weil, Edmund Landau, S. Ramanujan, Carl Ludwig Siegel, Serge Lang, Derrick Lehmer, Helmut Hasse, Hermann Minkowski, Jean-Pierre Serre, Don Zagier, Charles-Jean de La Vallée Poussin, Jurjen Koksma, Martin Eichler, Juri Wladimirowitsch Matijassewitsch, Nikolaus Hofreiter, Noam Elkies, Arnold Scholz, Hans Rohrbach, Kurt Hensel, John T. Tate, Paul Epstein, Albrecht Fröhlich, Hans Adolph Rademacher, Andrew Granville, Arthur Wieferich, Paulo Ribenboim, Ivan M. Niven, Alexander Ossipowitsch Gelfond, Takagi Teiji, Iwasawa Kenkichi, Karl Rubin, Harald Bohr, Dorian Goldfeld, Boris Nikolajewitsch Delone, Harold Davenport, Wladimir Gennadjewitsch Sprindschuk, Hans Arnold Heilbronn, Klaus Friedrich Roth, Charles Pisot, Nikolai Grigorjewitsch Tschebotarjow, S. Sivasankaranarayana Pillai, Victor Kolyvagin, Richard Taylor, Friedrich Karl Schmidt, Kurt Heegner, Viggo Brun, Hel Braun, David Masser, Winfried Scharlau, Alan Baker, Curt Meyer, Hans-Heinrich Ostmann, Philipp Furtwängler, Stanley Skewes, Kazuya Kato, Hans Riesel, Preda Mihailescu, Roger Heath-Brown, Kustaa Aadolf Inkeri, Joseph Ser, Vojtech Jarník, Benedict Gross, Landon Curt Noll, Peter Borwein, James Cullen. Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: Paul Erdos (occasionally spelled Erdos or Erdös; Hungarian: , pronounced ; 26 March 1913 - 20 September 1996) was an immensely prolific and notably eccentric Hungarian mathematician. Erdos published more papers than any other mathematician in history, working with hundreds of collaborators. He worked on problems in combinatorics, graph theory, number theory, classical analysis, approximation theory, set theory, and probability theory. Paul Erdos was born in Budapest, Hungary on March 26, 1913. He was the only surviving child of Anna and Lajos Erdos; his siblings died before he was born, aged 3 and 5. His parents were bot