Featuring more than 200 entries written by an international roster of experts, this work is the most authoritative and accessible source available for educators, researchers, and students seeking an understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth. This ground-breaking work examines policy, practice, and research concerning youth who are often the victims of bullying and harassment. Entries cover a panoply of concerns, including: suicide; counseling; gay-straight alliances; popular culture, e.g., MTV, South Park; racism; prostitution; HIV education; pregnancy; fraternities; and gender roles. In addition to covering these topics within the United States, the volume includes coverage of of LGBT youth and education in the United Kingdom, Asia, Australia, South America, and Europe.
Featuring more than 200 entries written by an international roster of experts, this work is the most authoritative and accessible source available for educators, researchers and students seeking an understanding of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth. This ground-breaking work examines policy, practice and research concerning youth who are often the victims of bullying and harrassment. Interdisciplinary, engaging articles examine the policy, practice, and research concerning the role, responses, and responsibilities of schools, educators, and the larger community to LGBT youth. Ranging from the the school curriculum to popular culture, topics include: gender roles, AIDS and HIV education, teen pregnancy, rural youth, prostitution, mental health, race and racism, counseling, gender roles, identity development, discrimination, anti-bias curriculum, children of LGBT parents, film, homophobia, legal issues, various ethnic groups, prejudice, religion, stereotypes, social class, college youth, and youth culture. There is international coverage as well of the United Kingdom, Asia, Australia, South America, and Europe.
Research and scholarship on sexualities, youth, and education has exploded, especially in North America, Australia, and Europe. Over the past 25 years, remarkable progress has been made politically, culturally, and educationally with respect to LGBT and Queer concerns. For example, hundreds of gay-straight alliances operate in high schools and colleges; court settlements have resulted in greater administrative sensitivity to harassment of gay students; and the number of college courses including gay concerns and issues is growing. While there are increasing numbers of articles and books covering LGBT issues and life, this work is the first comprehensive source to look at the important nexus of education and LGBT youth.
About the Author: James T. Sears is Professor of Education within the Graduate School at the College of Education at Pennsylvania State University where he teaches online courses in curriculum. He is the series editor for Greenwood's Handbooks for Educators and Parents.