You've never read a graduation card like this before. This alternative-style card is filled with far too much love for a boring, two-page greeting card.
This full-size book uses verse, beautiful designs, and striking photographs to convey a deep expression of love and congratulations for a graduate. This book uses both humorous and heartfelt sentiments in this unique gift.
Graduation is a moment when we all gather to commemorate the achievements of a person whom we love and respect. The formality and pageantry of commencement ceremonies are also unlike any other in society. Moments like this are rare and very special, and it's out of respect for this rare and special moment that this book came into existence. Graduates deserve to be congratulated for their accomplishments.
This book is written in a verse similar to those you might have read in a traditional graduation card, but in this book the verse is expanded to a full book's length. The first two pages provide space if you wish to write a joyful personal message, but they are uniquely designed in a way where the book will appear authentic and complete if you aren't able to, or do not wish to, write a note to the recipient. It also fits nicely in a 6X9 envelope, if you wish to send it through the mail.
Giving a Book-Length Greeting Card to your loved one will not only bring them an abundance of joy, but it will also help deepen your connection with them.
This gift displays an authenticity beyond the capacity of most greeting cards, and provides an opportunity for you to convey thoughtful sentiments of joy, peace, wonder, and hope!
Order your copy of "You're Officially Smart!" today!
Amazon tags: Gift for friend graduation, Gift for bestie graduation, Gift for BFF graduation, Interesting graduation gift, Unique card for graduation, Interesting card for graduation, Graduation gift for son, Graduation gift for daughter, Graduation gift for niece, Graduation gift for nephew, Graduation gift for grandson, Graduation gift for granddaughter, Quarantine gift for graduation