The Shadow is named shame. It hides in the mirror calling for resolution. Often
cunning, sometimes illuminating and forever persistent, the shadow will prevail
until acknowledged and named.
It waits to be christened.
Those suffering from addictions and accompanying neurosis are often lost in the shadow,
seemingly unable to transcend its dominance and dark allure. Still, in those who aren't
irredeemably lost, there is often an intrinsic understanding, "a sense" of the absence
of health, of incompleteness and of profound loss.
"Your shadow named shame" is a little treasure trove of stories and paintings beckoning the
reader to meet her shadow; a shadow named shame. It is a beckoning to meet and sup with
the dark lords who rule the castle, who inhibit the drawing of the curtains to light, joy and
The stories illustrate the application of well established, time tested twelve step programs
as proven techniques in unraveling and addressing addictive, shame based behavior; behavior
leading inevitably to chaos and the loss of self.
"Your shadow named shame" is a call to walk toward peace through trusting the twelve step
process and your "higher power" as guides; it is a call toward a peace that you own and always