LOOK HERE: Know What Makes Your "Second Brain" Tick & Stay Healthy For LifeUsing This Book To Brain & GutHealth!Did you know that you have a "second brain" hiddenin the walls of your digestive system? Your second brain is your gut, and it wields far more power overyour physical, emotional, and mental health than you think!
Your gut, known scientifically as theenteric nervous system (ENS), houses two thin membranes lined with over 100 million nerve cells thatstretch from your oesophagus to your rectum. Its role is to regulate your digestion, including swallowing, releasing digestive enzymes, controlling nutrient absorption, and eliminating waste.
Unlike yourmain brain, your gut isn't capable of reason. However, it does a pretty great job at communicating backand forth with your main brain, and may trigger great emotional shifts whenever you experienceirritation in your gastrointestinal system, such as functional bowel disorder and irritable bowelsyndrome.
The problem is that not a lot of people know this fact, which leadsthem taking their guts' health for granted. And when you don't look after your gut, your overall health isgoing to be in a lot of trouble!
Luckily for you, there's now a solution. Let meintroduce you "Your Second Brain" by Leo Carter. In his book, you will learn why your gut controls youmore than you think, and find out why it's the key to your health and happiness!
Overthe course of this life-changing book, you will: - Successfully keepdiseases and illnesses at bay with PROVEN tips to keep your second brainhealthy
- Greatly boost your memory and productivity using FOOLPROOF waysto keep your second brain fit
- Significantly improve your gut health whateverlifestyle you lead by knowing what foods to eat and avoid
- Fast effectively andstrengthen your immune system using various FIELD-TESTED fastingmethods
- Efficiently use the BEST prebiotics, probiotics, and psychobiotics to your advantage and enhance your gut health for life
- Effectively enhance yourdiet and maximize on your exercise routines by finding out your core areas to workon
- And so much more!
A happy, healthygut regulates inflammation successfully, leading to less aches and pains, a boost in mentalclarity, energy, and motivation, as well as better-looking skin. But, is a healthy gut the answer to keepingillnesses and diseases FOR GOOD?
The short answer is NO. However, a healthy gut does lead todiminished symptoms, reduced risk of chronic illnesses, and increased general feeling of health andwellness.
Using the easy-to-understand, science-backed information found in this book, you willbe able to not only understand how your brain and gut work together to keep you happy and vibrant, but also recognize and find ways to maintain a fully functional system that will serve you well for therest of your days.
Take back control of your health!
Scrollup, Click on "Buy Now with 1-Click", and Get Your Gut Healthy Today!