The employees working in IT industry need to have a positive job climate, job stress-free
atmosphere, job team spirit and job satisfaction and this will improve the overall output
and welfare of IT personnel. The present book aimed at investigating job dissatisfaction
of IT employees in terms of the chosen study variables namely, job climate, job stress
and job alienation based on certain demographic variables such as gender, marital status,
age, residence, locality, birth order, educational qualification, experience, designation,
working company, and spouse occupation. The study was conducted on a sample of 348
IT employees selected through random sampling technique from five leading IT
companies in Chennai, Tamilnadu State. Exploratory research design using survey
method was conducted and data were collected using 4 tools. One tool, Job
Dissatisfaction Scale, was developed by the investigator, and the other three were adopted
tools, namely Job Climate Scale, Joy Stress Scale and Job Alienation Scale. Data were
analysed using statistical techniques like 't' test, ANOVA, correlation, multiple
regression and stanine.