"You Can Know the Truth" presents objectively verifiable answers to the concerns and questions of both skeptics and Christians in simple non-theological language with hundreds of concrete examples.
- "Is the Bible really full of errors and contradictions?"
- "Is the Bible even relevant to my life today?"
- "Do all holy books and religions lead to the same God?"
- "Is there proof for the Bible, beyond the Bible?"
Look beyond the world's empty opinions and philosophies - to verifiable, fact-based proofs the Bible really is God's inspired truth:
- Biblical prophecy
- Science
- Archaeology
- Literature
- Claims of inspiration
- Harmony
- Life-changing power
- Indestructibility
- The Holy Spirit
- Exponential and mathematical evidence
Author John Horton has exhaustively researched this comprehensive book, packing it with over fifty lists, hundreds of specific examples and quotes by experts from Biblical and secondary resources. You Can Know the Truth will strongly support your understanding, presentation, discussion, preaching and teaching of God's truths. A thorough bibliography, summarized outline, cross-reference guide and even an appendix that examines the theory of evolution are included.
You are not doomed to accept the uncertainty, confusion and contradictions of post-modern relativism. You Can Know the Truth will help you quickly and confidently find the objective, unchanging, reliable truth and answers you seek.
"You Can Know the Truth" is built on a rock solid Bible foundation, yet focused on meeting skeptics on their own ground. In addition to Bible truth, it also provides compelling external proofsand quotations by both Christian and non-Christian experts. Even Long-term, committed Christians are amazed by the depth and scope of available objective proof the Bible is God's truth!
Why hasn't someone written this book before now?
Many wonderful apologetics books by talented Christian authors have touched on one or more proofs the Bible is God's Truth. "You Can Know the Truth" consolidates '10 Verifiable Proofs the Bible is God's Truth' into one exhaustively researched book! "You Can Know the Truth" also takes a non-traditional approach to this important subject. It resoundingly declares that the proof of God's Biblical truth is not solely confined to the pages of inspired Scripture! It is also verifiably evident in science, prophecy, archaeology, literature, mathematics and other fields, and is directly and indirectly affirmed by Christian and non-Christian experts in many diverse fields.
"You Can Know the Truth" directly confronts the 'modern relativism' and political correctness that has sadly led many today to unjustifiably disregard traditional beliefs and respect for God, Christ and the Bible.
About the Author: John Horton is an ordained minister who has spent over thirty years teaching and preaching thousands of expository Bible lessons and sermons in prisons, halfway houses, missions, rehab centers, nursing homes, and church pulpits and classrooms. He is passionate and unwavering in presenting God's inspired, life-changing word of truth.
Concurrent to the ministry, John led the business and strategic intelligence organization of a multi-billion-dollar corporation. He has applied his incisive, analytical skills there, to his Bible teaching and writing-to great effect in the lives of those around him. He has previously published Bible study guides for the Old and New Testaments and is working on multiple writing projects.
John believes today's disciples and disciple-makers are on the front lines of a great Spiritual battle that can only be waged and won in the power of God and the authority of God's Word. The battle plan and marching orders for the warriors in this battle are set forth in God's inspired truth. "You Can Know the Truth"will help you combat false worldly opinions and rationale with God's truth and the truth of God's Word.
John has been married to his wife, Sharon, for nearly fifty years. God has blessed them with children and grandchildren who are also dedicated followers of Christ. His love of the Lord, his family and others in an increasingly out-of-control world is a big part of his motivation for writing You Can Know the Truth. He is also greatly concerned for those who unknowingly face the rapidly approaching End Times, apart from God, Christ and God's truth.
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