An invitation to explore and unveil our true authentic nature. We are absolutely perfect right now, just the way we are. Our natural awareness is buried beneath our individual constructed identities and fractured perception of reality. We are living inside the limited paradigm of our minds creation which can stifle our true self expression, potential and enjoyment of life. Who we really are, is eternal infinite awareness, connected to everything in existence.
There are no paths or trips here. Simply allowing and acknowledging our natural awareness to be our truthful witness and guide through life.
In these seemingly turbulent times of global chaos and confusion, our true perception remains intact, unperturbed, perfect and complete. It is the Beloved, the One that we have been seeking which beckons us home to our true selves. What we have been searching for outside of ourselves is actually present with us airways. It is our loyal and most trusted friend and teacher, who will never abandon us. This awareness is the natural birthright of everyone. We cannot reach the truth by manipulating or trying to control the outside World, people or situations. It just is.
The book is rich in guidance supporting the reader to connect with their immediate knowing and increase their ability to access their unchanging natural authentic awareness.
Many aspects of natural awareness are explored including Authenticity, Oneness, Truth and Illusion, Personal Awakening and Love and Intimacy.
Additionally, there is a section on Awakening Humanity which explores the possibility of a quantum shift in the Collective Consciousness of Humanity becoming aware of its real authentic nature. The Beloved the One, realizing that it is already home.
Today Quantum mechanics theories agree that all life on Earth is connected biologically chemically and elementally, and at the Universal level, atomically. Although we are all unique individuals, we are connected to everyone and everything in existence. We are all One.
If we blinker our perception and see ourselves as only separate, physical beings, we will deprive ourselves of the opportunity to experience our true collective conscious awareness. It gifts us the realization that all is energy and vibration, in this Universal celebration of life, where every molecule is connected with every other molecule in the entire Universe.
Everything is connected by the infinite and eternal web of life. We are the One, the Beloved and part of the same whole.