18 True Stories that Reveal - Your Freedom of Choice, Your Inherent Enlightenment, Your Reality as Source, and So Much More!
Excerpt from "You Are Source: Birthday Boy."
Bill would ask, "I hear what you say, can even repeat them back to you, but what does it mean?"
Øm said, "You are Source, have always been Source, will always be Source. It couldn't be any simpler than that."
"It's the simplest thing in the world. It's the biggest event that never happens to you, at least to the you that you think you are."
"There's nothing to do, nowhere to go, no special chant, meditation, teaching or practice. No sitting in a cave or on a mountain top, no guru or master to follow."
"It is so simple that the mind really has no way to grasp it."
"It's not something to know or understand. It's what you are. You don't know it, you are it."
"Yes, I get it, but I don't get it," Bill said.
I say, "There's really nothing to get or not get." All the while smiling with joy.
In You Are Source, you will discover:
- How truly effortless it is, from insights to enlightenment, and all that it represents.
- 4 ordinary people, whose stories narrate the ultimate recognition of being Source.
- The science that no one talks about, hidden in plain sight.
- The foundation of your being, what it is and what it's not.
- How just one insight can change everything about your current situation.
- How your freedom of choice is ultimately unlimited, with infinite opportunities available to you in any instant.
Ready to Move Forward and Get Past Just Questioning Life? Don't Wait Any Longer!
"Drop Your Limits" and "Live Life at a Higher Level of Being."
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