"Life is a great opportunity provided by the Lord for His children to evolve into Himself"
- Swami Sivananda .
Life is a voyage in the infinite ocean of time. Life is a journey from impurity to purity, from
hatred to cosmic love, from imperfection to perfection, from ignorance to eternal Wisdom,
from pain to eternal Bliss. (Swami Sivananda, 2011).
Life with good health is a great blessing indeed. The man enjoys good health on account of good
Karmas done in his previous birth. To lead a perfect and happy life health is important.
"Health is the greatest gift, contentment the grea test wealth, faithfulness the best relationship"
Total health is harmony between body, mind and soul. It is a perfect maintenance of the
inner environment. Health is not a static state it is dynamic, ever- changing. The body can
malfunction at any time. (Dr.Krishna Raman, 1998)
Health is our birthright. It is a state of harmony in the body. Prime causes of ill health are
the accumulation of toxins, hormonal imbalances, imbalances of electrical activities,
neurohormonal imbalances, the impurity of genes, imbalance of antioxidants, improper bio-rhythm
etc. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete
physical, mental, and social well-being, not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1947),