Here we can see the person who is dumb and legless will get their efficiency back
but there is no any scientific and permanent solution for impaired persons. In the birth
process some time new born get entry in the world with some defect in them, in other
than human being they cannot live for long time because Fittest of survive is the rule of
nature. But in human being the new born get more love and protection from family and
society. Hence, he or she can survive with the help of family.
Handicapped persons are classified according to inefficiency of the body part
some examples of common disabilities you may find are:
Vision Impairment, deaf or hard of hearing, mental health conditions, intellectual
disability, acquired brain injury, autism spectrum disorder, and physical disability. In
modern era society is taking good care of such handicapped persons.
Visually impaired person can get entry in this world but are unable to see the
cosmic light, and many more things for which they deprived of. Late Braille Louis
developed a system of printing and writing that is extensively used by the blind and the
name after him Thus visually impaired person can read and through the Braille
language. In this sense visually impaired are as good as like a normal individual.