Reviewing the previous studies conducted both inside & outside of
the Indian it was found that the studies related to impact of yoga on
health of primary teacher are very few in number. Hence the investigator
believes that the present study will be motivation for the further
researcher, therefore a need was felled for knowing the effect of yoga on
mental health of primary teachers. The research work is helpful to study
the mental health of male & female primary teacher, primary teacher.
1. The report of World Health Organization suggest that nearly half
of the world's population are affected by Mental illness with an
impact on their self esteem, relationship and ability to function in
everyday life. The teachers need mental health to work
productively with children so the study is important.
2. The finding of this study would assist in designing suitable
academic program to improve mantal health.
3. Mentaining a good mental health is crucial to living a long helthy
life. Good mental health can enhance teachers life, while poor
mental health can prevent teachers from living and enhancing life.
So, the study is important.
4. The teachers who Lac of imotional expressions are inclined to antistudents
behavior. These behavior are a direct reflection of their
mental health. So, this study will help teachers to find out the way
to keep mental helth in good condition.
5. The finding of this study would help teachers and students to find
out the way from mental health problems.
6. The study would help teachers and students to cope up with normal
stresses of life.
7. The study would help teachers and students to cope up with
emotions of life.