Yep, Sure Do is a gritty urban drama set in Huntsville, Alabama, in the late 1990s. The story centers on Sunshine "Kissah" McCarthy, a young stripper with big dreams beyond the pole. Kissah's life takes a dramatic turn when she discovers she's pregnant by Mistah, a dangerous street figure who pulls her into a world of violence, betrayal, and high-stakes survival. Determined to escape the chaos for the sake of her unborn child, Kissah begins pursuing her true passion: cosmetology and herbal medicine.
Alongside her childhood best friend, Candice Kristine "Candie K" Braden, and their new companion Dalyah, Kissah navigates the treacherous life of the strip club scene, where jealous rivals like Tae and Kay plot her downfall. As tensions escalate, Kissah's father's truck is torched, her apartment vandalized, and she finds herself increasingly trapped in a dangerous web of criminal dealings through Mistah's connections with the black mafia.
A climactic confrontation at Fright Night leads to a deadly battle that claims several lives, including Tae and Kay, while the club is set ablaze in a fire that marks the end of an era. After the destruction, Kissah seizes the opportunity to start fresh, moving to Nashville in the spring of 2000 to begin a new life as a mother and aspiring entrepreneur. Candie K, now going by Candice, finds her own redemption as a real estate agent and devout Christian, while Dalyah must decide whether to leave her abusive partner or use a secret stash of money to build her own future.
As Kissah steps into her new role as a mother and businesswoman, her past lingers in the shadows, but her determination to create a better life for herself and her son pushes her forward. Yep, Sure Do is a story of survival, sisterhood, and the strength to rise above a world full of danger and betrayal.