It's not your wife's responsibility to make sure your needs are met. It's not your boss's responsibility or your parents' or your friends'. As a man, the only one responsible for making sure your needs are met is you and Year of the Warrior will show you how to constructively and positively do just that. This program includes a digital video series to walk you through setting up your program, downloadable versions of all the files, a digital copy of the Year of the Warrior book.
Things Year of the Warrior Will Teach You to Help You Reclaim Your Life:
-What science says about your needs as a man that are literally written into your DNA and how you can take action to make sure those needs are met.
-How to take back control of your life by taking account of what you want while laying out a realistic plan to get it.
-Why society is wrong about men's role in society and how society is responsible for much of the depression, frustration and anger of modern day men.
-How to get rid of all the things in your life that are wasting time that you could be using to better your life.
-How to stop letting yourself keep making excuses for why you're not accomplishing the things want in your life.
-How to figure out what's keeping you from being the man you want to be and how to deal with those issues in a positive way.
-To find ways to make yourself and your family more secure, even if you can't afford to join a self-defense school.
-How to save enough money to cover 3 to 4 months worth of expenses so that you can reduce your day to day stress, knowing that no matter what happens you can take care of the things you need to while you're getting back on top.
-Constructive ways to rid yourself of toxic people as well as any people who are holding you back.
-What it takes to stop being a victim and why you should stand up for the weak.
-What makes a good wife or girlfriend to a truly masculine man and what kind of women will make your life more difficult, as well as the kind of women you need to stay away from.
-And you'll spend one of the most productive weeks of your life setting yourself up for success with a step by step plan to reclaim your masculinity and become the man you have always wanted to be.
Too often in today's society, men are made to feel like we should ignore those needs and be less than we really are. Or we're expected to conform to society's ideals of what a man should be, which let's face it, is far from what men are meant to be. Year of the Warrior is a program designed to help you stop the excuses and be the man you want to be. It's time to regain your masculinity, grow your confidence, and take back your life. Year of the Warrior will show you how.
What Men are Saying About Year of the Warrior
"Year of the Warrior has not only given me the support and friendship of other warriors, it has also helped me to achieve some goals I've been putting off. It feels fantastic to accomplish these goals and I'm thankful a program like YotW exists. BIG fan." -Michael M.
"Since I've started the program, I've been accomplishing goals that I had either written off or had been on the back burner for...years. This program will give you the tools needed to take control of your life. It's infectious as well. People very close to me are inspired by how driven and motivated I am to get things done. You NEED this program. Even if you don't think you do, you will inevitably discover areas in your life which are lacking something. Whether it's tasks, relationships, goals...whatever. Everyone could benefit from this." - Brian H.
"Once you start focusing on the core needs and you start getting the respect you deserve it can literally change your life. My life is nothing like it was 6 months ago and it's 100% because those needs are being met in my life now." - Ben H