Who The Journal is For This journal is intended for nonfiction writers. It is setup for use in kindle, Lulu, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, and other such e-book publications. Headings within the page give you room to post your ideas on book ideas, titles, description, keywords, and other important book information.
Writer's Journal for Men Blanked, lined 8.5 x 11 journal designed for the kindle or e-book writer. This lined blank notebook will help you to organize your thoughts and record ideas that you have or obtain for books you are in the process or writing or developing. No space is wasted here, since the front and back page can be used. Front page for book ideas and back page for webinar or video summaries.
Are you ready to become more productive and change the way you think and create nonfiction books. Do you want to have a new way of collecting your book ideas that often escape you? Keeping a journal or notebook of your writing ideas can keep you from losing those times where you have in insight or an "Ah" moment. Sometimes you might have a great idea you don't write down. You struggle to remember it the next day or you simple forgot you ever thought of it, lost forever.
Writing In This Journal. With this journal to write in, you can keep track of your daily thinking and write down those ideas that can create money for you in the future. You can flip back to previous days to see what you were thinking and what ideas you wanted to pursue.
As a bonus, you can use the back of each page to write down key ideas that you get when you view a webinar or video. By keeping a journal or writing dairy of important ideas you have, insights you gain, or information you get from others, you will have a history that you can reach to easily in the future.
Your writings in this journal can document your daily thinking, good or bad. You can go back and discuss your past ideas with others to see where it can take you.
Do You Travel When you travel, take your writing journal for those times where you have some quiet time or when you get a super idea. Do your great ideas come at night or early morning? Your best ideas don't always come when you are sitting at your computer. They can come at unusually times and when there is no computer in sight.
Here's What To Do Here is a writing journal designed especially for Men. Go right now and Buy the Writer's Journal for Men and make a positive change in your world of writing. Record your most important writings or ideas so that you can recover them later.
About the Author: Rudy Silva is the author of over 43 kindle and Createspace books and has developed this Writing Journal for Men. He has incorporated the many headings he uses, when developing his ideas for existing or new book to create.