"Effective writing communicates the message in a way that makes it easier for the reader to relate and react positively to what they (reader) understand. Effective writing is helped or enhanced by 'charting-a-course' to convey your message with impact." Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey (Think before you Ink!)
Publishing a book can help you expand and enhance your business. It can help differentiate you from your competition! This can work in any industry!
Perhaps you've been told you need to write a book; to create physical or online products. This, 'they' tell you, will help you succeed, make lots of money, and even make you famous. Perhaps? Perhaps NOT! We can help you explore whether this is a worthwhile investment of your time, expertise, and money.
Ever dreamed of being a best-selling author? Well, first you must write the book! We can help with that, and maybe the best-selling part too.
Depending on where you are in your writing journey you can have your new book published in as little as 30-90 days. Whether you are working on an article, a book, or creating one of a multitude of other Business Enhancement Success Tools (see Bob's BEST(TM)) starting with the right questions provides a solid foundation for your success.
We want you to be inspired and educated so you can move forward with your publishing project and see it successfully brought into the world. We drew from those events in creating this little guidebook, just for you!
Some areas to consider as you begin the writing process (consulting/coaching is available)
1. Selecting the best topic or theme to write about for a book. What do you 'actually' know and love? Why not ask Canada's Ideaman for help in creating this for your work?
2. Creating an 'effective' title and tag line or sub-title. Taglines are sometimes even more important than a title. (See How to craft effective book titles and subtitles)
3. Getting the help, you 'need' to bring your book into reality: editors, proofreaders, graphic artists, etc. Ask Irene!
4. What to say about yourself - creating effective author bio's: Strategic sizzle sells.
5. Getting forewords, endorsements, reviews, and testimonials and why you need them. Endorsements are valuable!
6. Marketing your book online, choosing keywords that help you get noticed. Getting your friends to help create excitement and buzz. Returning the favour! We can even assist you in creating a customized webpage to showcase and sell your book. Again, Ask Irene!
7. Starting with the creative add-on business/product spin offs in mind - think in advance about other products that can be built around or from your book.
8. Why you should consider doing an e-pub, Smashwords, and kindle version as well as a print version at the same time.
9. Launching successfully - tips and techniques, and detours (leverage our experience and expertise).
10. How to run a best seller campaign - with a little help from
your friends.