The contents are short to the point, informative, reliable and knowledgeable, it best fits to the growing kids (age 13 above). The book is also inspires the youths.
★These stories teachs obedient, humanity, faith and good for thought of a growing up adult and children. The language used is quite simple to cover the majority of readers from Non-English speaking Countries who are interested to improve their communications skills, and motivates kids to have a reading appetite.
★The writer of the book have tried to tailor these stories in a way that, all children will be fit in, including Teenagers, and Young Adults, based on their area of preferences which are; Comical (22 Stories), Courage (10 Stories), Diligence (7 Stories) Education (20 Stories), General (47 Stories), Fables (16 Stories), Family (18 Stories), Friendship (2 Stories), Inspiration (12 Stories), Life (25 Stories), Love (11 Stories), Mischief (1 Stories), Motivation (11 Stories), Shrewd (4 Stories), Moral (106 Stories)
The language used in this book is simple and affordable to comprehended with children from the age of 13 to 16 years though the contents can be read by young adult to Adult since the stories are well organized and as a writer I believe that, even Adult people will be pleased to read them as part of entertainment, learning and refreshing mind.