In the Maritimes of Canada, a series of murders have baffled the police force in the small town of Feckless Bay. Enter Detective Sergeant Natalya Stone, an African American detective - originally from Chicago - currently working for the Provincial Police. She quickly discovers that these violent murders are most likely by the same perpetrator - and are, most likely, hate crimes.
"Murder is not an entertainment," she quips to Zev Arendt, a young local Detective Constable, whom she has taken under her wing to assist her in solving the hate crimes. They encounter dead end after dead end, and weeks go by with no leads. Finally, based on her experience and intuition, and with the skills that Zev has acquired from his mentor, they find exactly what they are looking for: hiding - in plain sight. "The Worst Dogs" is a literary Murder Mystery like no other.
Matthew de Lacey Davidson is the author of two poetry collections, "Please Don't Forget Me" and "What Souls Might Bear;" a play in verse, "What Really Counts;" a collection of short stories entitled, "Roses in December: Haunting and Macabre Tales;" and a historical novel about civil rights leader Frederick Douglass' first trip to Ireland, "Precept." "Precept" was voted one of the top ten self-published books of 2018 by
He has had poems, articles, cartoons, and short stories published in the online literary journals, "The Junction," "Pickle Fork," and "The Writing Cooperative" (on ""); and in the online literary journal, "Danse Macabre." He lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, with his wife, Shayna, and a plethora of Siamese and Tonkinese cats. "The Worst Dogs" is his first mystery novel.
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