Book I in the Series: Tools for the 21st Century Mason This guidebook has been written by a Past Master, who shares with you the special advice he received and noted from Past Masters over a five year period as he progressed through the officer line to the Oriental Chair. It contains proven advice for new Worshipful Masters of Masonic Lodges, and allows Past Masters to pass on what they feel is vital information to succeeding Masters, improving their quality of leadership and giving them a winning year in the East. It is intended to be written in like a personal diary and to be updated each year, passing from one Worshipful Master to the next. It contains a collection of tidbits of wisdom from those who have been there to those who have just arrived. It is a keepsake record of the advice of the Past Masters of your Lodge that may be handed down year after year. Get a copy for presentation to your Lodge and start inscribing history in your Lodge today. This book is a special "working" gift, worthy to be presented to any Masonic Lodge, initially to be given to the Worshipful Master and entered into the Lodge Archives when completed.
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About the Author:
Bro. James Frank Hatcher III, better known as "Chip," is a Master Mason and Past Worshipful Master of Rockford Masonic Lodge No. 469, Free and Accepted Masons of Tennessee, in Rockford, Tennessee a small, quiet hamlet in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains in Eastern Tennessee. He lives with his wife, three children, three dogs, six cats, two hermit crabs, and nearby to many, many wonderful friends, whom he later found to be his Brothers in many, many different situations.
He is also the Author of the following books in the series, Tools for the 21st Century Freemason:
Vol. 1
Worshipful Master's Guidebook, or the "Book of Joe"
Vol. 2
Lodge Officer's Handbook
Vol. 3
King Solomon's Passport
Vol. 4
Masonic Roll of Fellow Crafts