You know how important it is to plan meaningful, engaging worship services--especially during this season. What you don't know is how you're going to find the time to research dozens of websites and pull together all the prayers, music, sermon ideas, projection images, and everything else you need for an authentic encounter with God in worship. What if all these elements were together for you in one place? What if all that help fit easily in your pocket or your purse? Welcome to Worship in a Flash. Drawing on a vast library of worship resources, we provide everything you need to plan worship throughout Lent and Easter, all on a convenient USB drive with room to store your notes as you plan worship each week.
The Worship in a Flash USB drive is compatible with Windows and Macintosh formats. It includes prayers, calls to worship, litanies, benedictions, sermons, music, projection images, and more. Liturgies, prayers, sermon outlines, and other text materials are in PDF format. Images are in JPEG format.
Ready -- Set -- Plan
Included on this flash drive you will find the following resources:
Teaching Materials 1: Thematic Preaching
Ash Wednesday Sermon 1
Ash Wednesday Sermon 2
Lenten Sermon Series 1
Lenten Sermon Series 2
Palm Sunday Sermon 1
Palm Sunday Sermon 2
Holy Thursday Sermon 1
Holy Thursday Sermon 2
Good Friday Sermon 1
Good Friday Sermon 2
Easter Day Sermon 1
Easter Day Sermon 2
Preaching Materials 2: Lectionary Preaching
Sermons on the Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel Readings for Years A, B, and C from the New Revised Common Lectionary for Ash Wednesday, each Sunday of Lent, Palm/Passion Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.
The following prayers and litanies with multiple options to choose from for each service:
Gathering Word litanies
Calls to Worship
Opening Prayers
Prayers of Confession
Assurances of Pardon
The following musical resources, with multiple options to choose from for each service:
Suggested Traditional Hymns
Suggested Contemporary Hymns and Songs
Suggested Solos and Anthems
Projection Images
Appropriate to the season
Note: Opened product cannot be returned for credit.