The World of Zaylyn is a world of humans, elves, dwarves, fairy folk, centaurs, dragons, dragon-like humanoids, orcs, goblins, trolls, shape shifters, and many others yet to be discovered. With warriors, thieves, wizards, treasure, magic, strange creatures, danger, and adventure, this world is never dull. Evil, malicious creatures have entered into this world to do the bidding of an insane wizard, but can he control these beasts as he believes, and for what purpose?
As the creatures slaughter his entire village, Vordin, narrowly escapes. He's told that the evil wizard has to be slain by the Sword of Anthrowst in order to send the creatures back to where they came from.
Two thieves, an elf and her human companion, join Vordin in the quest as does an amateur wizard. The mysterious being they encounter, half human and half spider, is she friend or foe?
Will they fall prey to the horrid evil monsters, trapped in a web of spells and ripped to pieces by huge dagger-like teeth and claws? How are they to even find this sword, wherever it may be, and the wizard for whom they only know a name?
Encountering a mischievous fairy queen and her followers, vicious monsters, giant spiders within ancient underground passages, bounty hunters after the two thieves, plus so much more. Could there be bandits within the forest or a werewolf lurking about as a few believe?
Worst of all, is the presence of a mysterious and evil vampiric being with immense power, called simply The Black Shadow.
If he had a hand in this group coming together, what purpose does he intend for them? He wants them to complete their quest, saving Zaylyn from the wizard and his army of creatures, but why, especially when he could easily take care of the problem himself?
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