Once an experienced Woodworker said to me, "There is no scrap wood, just pieces which have not met the right hand".Back in the days when I was starting with Wood Craft, I was desperately looking for the go-to guide about the processes and the tools involved.
Woodworking is a vast subject with many branches or sub-genres of this craft like Cabinet Making, Wood Carving, Joinery, Carpentry, and Woodturning.
The online content was information overload and not presented in a sequential manner. The books I referred were either focused on a few processes or assumed that I had the necessary information. Also, I found that most of the books were a little aged.
There are two ways of learning; one is learning from subject matter experts who have years of experience, and then there are people who are just a few steps ahead of you in their journey.
I am the second one, five years into this hobby, and still learning from the experts.
I still remember the initial doubts I had and the tips which helped me.
This book is for people who are in their first lap (0-3 years) of the wood-crafting journey and want to have a holistic idea of processes, tools, and need help in their initial projects.
I have included ample photographs of realistic projects of beginners explaining the process and standard operating procedure while starting.
In the last chapter, Appendix: I have provided a glossary of woodworking terms, the list of online resources available for free patterns, tips, and techniques.
Below is the flow of the information provided in the book:
- Introduction: The history and details of various branches of woodworking
- All about the wood: How to choose them; Hardwood, Softwood, Plywood, MDF all explained
- Woodworking tools: Hand and Power tool explained with best practices
- Processes and Techniques: The complete workflow of the woodworking process along with a detailed explanation of the usage of each tool
- Safety and Best Practices: This topic is highlighted throughout the book, and best practices with regards to hand and power tools explained in detail
- Gluing and Finishing
- 10 starter projects with step by step instructions
- Glossary of woodworking tools, souces for downloading the free plan
- Also, you can download my additional bonus booklet with additional plans for more projects
So, what are you waiting for? As said in the woodworking community:
Measure Twice and Cut Once and let's start the journey.