1.1 Overview
This chapter deals with the aim of the study, objectives of the study, background
for the study, significance, and relevance of the study, the scope of the study and the
utility of the study.
1.2 Aim of the Study
The study purports to analyze the orientations and dimensions of women's leadership
at the collegiate level with particular reference to their age, marital status, locality and
discipline taught by them.
1.3 Objectives of the study
The following objectives were framed by the Researcher.
i) To find out whether the college women administrators under study are
task-oriented or person-oriented in their leadership.
ii) To know whether there is a significant association between the
Task/Person oriented leadership of college women administrators understudy and
the factors such as age, marital status, the discipline of the subject they teach,
locality and the nature of college.