Ever say, "No one feels like me or understands what I'm feeling." Ever ask, "Why me, Lord?" If these words are familiar, you're not alone. Beginning with Eve, women are women. God's blueprint for us has not changed, nor will it. That's why this study is so exciting. In it, you will discover the women of the Bible are just like us! Without exception, they had plans, hopes, and dreams. They loved, laughed, and cried. They feared, sacrificed, and nurtured. They experienced good times and bad. Some had kids; some didn't. Some were married, some weren't. Some were wholesome while others were decadent. They experienced significant victories and shameful defeats, all of them. That's why their stories seem familiar; these women are like us! The Bible proves that although flawed and frail, ordinary messy women were useful to our extraordinary God. Why? Because he redeemed them, the whole of their lives-the good, the bad, and the ugly. He didn't leave one of them the way he found them. He won't leave us lonely, unforgiven, or despairing either! If you fret, feel worn and weary; look pretty on the outside but feel pretty flawed and frail on the inside; or if sin surrounds you, this study is for you. God is into women! He loves us and makes all things new through his redeeming love!
Anne is a missionary and graduate of Metro Atlanta Seminary. She is the co-founder of Open Heavens Ministries, Inc., a nonprofit discipleship ministry established in 2004. Its mission is growing others in faith and practice through the study of God's Word. All aspects of ministry, on the streets, in classrooms, and in the Church, is focused and centered on God's Word - the good news - the Gospel of Christ.
A comprehensive study guide and workbook which invites us into the lives of Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Rebekah, Miriam, Rahab, Ruth, Esther, Gomer, and Mary - the Virgin Mother.
About the Author: Anne is a missionary and graduate of Metro Atlanta Seminary. She is the co-founder of Open Heavens Ministries, Inc., a nonprofit discipleship ministry established in 2004. Its mission is growing others in faith and practice through the study of God's Word. All aspects of ministry, on the streets, in classrooms, and in the Church, is focused and centered on God's Word - the good news - the Gospel of Christ.