The author of the stunning memoir, Moments in Flight [2021], returns with Wolf Woman & Other Poems, a curated collection of 50 poems written over 50 years that span the seasons of a woman's life. Jo-Ann Vega's perspective is fresh, provocative, inspirational, and captivating. Each word portrait draws readers into a powerful connection between the author's thoughts, feelings, and words.
The collection's distinctive organization groups poems by life stage and includes a brief preview of each section. Influenced by Sylvia Plath and the confessional prose-style of expression, Vega writes about the light and the dark sides of life, of being a woman of substance in a world still largely hostile to women's talents and ambitions.
"What was I to do? I wasn't like the women I knew or worked with, nor was I like my female family members... caregiving was not a natural strength or primary source of identity...No matter which way I turned, if I was to be true to my core being, I had to venture beyond traditional boundaries of gender and culture. It is always going to be a challenging journey for an independent woman with perspective who happens to be gay...I hope my musings provide some nourishment to you on your continuing journey toward wholeness and integrity... Awake to the life-affirming possibilities within waiting to be discovered."
Savor the musings of a long time explorer of the depths in search of meaning, identity, understanding and connection.
Special features: Wolf Woman & Other Poems is a companion book to Moments in Flight, A Memoir*. Wolf Woman presents fifty poems, none repeated from Moments in Flight. They were written over a half century, from 1970-2020, and are divided into three sections. The three sections represent the stages of a woman's life, from young maiden to crone, and illustrate Vega's awareness of self and movement through issues, challenges, and phases of the life cycle.
Part 1: becoming/discovery1970-1980 rites of passage
Part 2: unfurling my wings1980-2000 taking risks
Part 3: awakenings2000-2020cronehood