Prayer is vital for the Christian and for the Church. Prayer is also difficult, demanding, and constantly waylaid by the Christian's and the church's ancient foe. The high cost of prayer in terms of surrender of life, commitment of time, and the sacrifice of spiritual and physical energies often cause even the best of Christians to reallocate prayer to secondary importance. This lack of praying might be understandable and possibly acceptable if the cost of prayerlessness were not so eternally high.
The believer's life and all Christian endeavors are dependent for their success to a large extent on prayer. Christians may live and labor faithfully and it is all for naught without God's involvement, and God's involvement is secured only by prayer (James 4:2-3; John 15:7). Prayer secures the blessings of God on every area of life and ministry of the church. Although it cannot take the place of other ministries, without prayer other ministries are doomed to failure. God, therefore, commands believers to pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17; Ephesians 6:18).
Despite certain knowledge of the vital necessity of prayer, it will not naturally occur in the life of a Christian nor in the life of a church. Prayer is an unseen work or ministry. Because of this, it is often sacrificed for more seen needs. Even when prayer becomes a disciplined and vital part of the life of a Christian and a church, it can become somewhat rote and ritualistic even from sincere prayers. This means of developing a relationship of intimacy with Jesus Christ and maturity as a believer is thus in constant danger of eroding away.
Prayer can be boring, ritualistic, and repetitious instead of fresh, alive, and invigorating. The busy-ness of a twenty-first century Christian's daily life and a church's full, demanding, and rushed program exert incessant subtle influences that push prayer off to the side. Because fervent prayer is in constant danger of deterioration, and being persuaded of its vital importance, the development and implementation of a method for strengthening the Christian's personal and the church's corporate prayer life and ministry, is necessary.
Dear believer, let us, therefore, determine anew to enter into the presence of our Lord Jesus and develop the intimacy of relationship that will carry us through the barriers to prayer as well as the difficulties of life. Once again surrender yourself afresh and continue your journey into prayer.
Without Ceasing is a study of discipleship through prayer, by oneself or in a group setting. This book is designed to assist in the development of an intimate, personal relationship with God by learning how to enter into His presence, recognize His voice, and respond to His will. God desires to commune and to communicate with His people concerning their daily situations and needs so that He might make their joy full (John 15:11; 1 John 1:4). Prayer is vital to establish, continue and deepen this relationship.
As you work your way through Without Ceasing, you will learn how to walk with God, how to have a meaningful prayer life with God, and how to use prayer to advance the Kingdom of God.
To assist small group study, the book has been divided into nine sections which may be assigned week by week or chapter by individual chapter. Begin each chapter by reading the "key verse" and asking God to open up His Word and make it real and alive. Then read the verse again out loud and begin the study.
As you go through your prayer journey these next few weeks, my prayer is that a renewal and revitalization of not only your prayer life but your life in Christ will occur.