"There are some secrets darker than witchcraft." - Dora Maddock
My name is Maggie Maddock, and I'm a wilder-a natural born witch who cannot control her powers. A dirty word, in our community; hardly better than a warlock.
My sisters and I were trained in the old ways of magick by my coven-leading mother, my Aunt Dora, and various members of The Council. With Dark Root's steady supply of magick, and our talents, we were deemed the generation destined to save the world.
But there was a rift in the Council, between those wanting to follow a darker path, and those committed to the light. When The Council fell apart, Mother stopped caring, and the town, and it's magick, began to die.
One by one, we moved away, leaving the ghosts of our childhoods behind, and forging new identities for ourselves.
Now, 7 years later, I've been called home: Back to my overbearing mother, who has succumbed to her delusions; back to my sisters and our childhood rivalries; back to the boy who carved our initials into a tree; and back to the demon that tormented me since childhood.
But there is even more waiting for us in Dark Root-secrets Mother and The Council went to great lengths to keep hidden.
Secrets that change everything.
About the Author: April Aasheim spent her childhood traveling around the Southwestern portion of the United States with her gypsy mother and her get-rich-quick stepfather. During those years she spent time traveling with the carnival, living in an abandoned miner's shack, and learning to read Tarot Cards. After spending her early adult years in California, Tennessee, and Arizona, she finally settled down in Oregon where she has lived for the last decade. April is a mother, a wife, and a reluctant homemaker. She has written several short stories and maintains an active blog. The Witches of Dark Root is her second novel.