Natural healing and power are at your fingertips!
Since the beginning of humankind, we have been drawn to witchcraft. Because it is simply the recognition and celebration of the natural order of the universe, it is our truest sense of navigation and Power. From ancient Egypt to the Salem witch trials, Witchcraft and Wicca has been deeply misunderstood by many. However, it's is a natural way of life that thousands still partake in today.
When Wicca and Witchcraft first came into my life, I was simply looking for a way to get more in tune with nature, rather than fighting the cycles of our life. I was skeptical as to how magic could occur as a result of someone's spells and rituals, but the more I learned about the history and basis of magic, and the more I saw it working for them, the more I understood that magic is real and I can utilize it for myself and my loved ones. There is nothing to fear in learning to practice Magic. It is the most natural and positive use of energy in the world.
By learning about what witchcraft, Wicca, and Magic truly is, you can unlock the secrets that the universe has been holding all around you your entire life. With only the best intentions, magic can be yours to help heal, protect, and grow in abundance. You will go from a complete beginner to a practicing witch in no time with the help of this book. In fact, the only tools you will need in addition to this book are things you can find around your house. Don't let anything hold you back from beginning your journey in witchcraft today.
If you are ready to bring the power that you know is inside of you out using witchcraft, Wicca, or magic, scroll up and click purchase on this book. Change your life and harness the universe's power with the use of witchcraft.
Don't wait a minute longer, because this energy is yours to use.
In this book you will learn:
- The history of witchcraft
- The difference between witchcraft, Wicca, and pagans
- How witchcraft has evolved over the years
- The connections between Witchcraft and the Modern Woman
- Misconceptions about witches
- The rules witches follow
- Different types of Witchcraft from around the globe
- The mysteries of Witchcraft
- The difference between black magic, white magic, and gray magic
- The many different types of witches you can be
- The different deities, spirits, and gods you can call upon and connect with
- How to be a solitary practitioner of Witchcraft
- How to join a coven of witches
- Witching for beginners
- The rituals of initiation
- Supplies all witches need
- How to have a dedication ceremony
- How to have a daily practice of Witchcraft
- How to incorporate it into your everyday life
- What the eight major holidays are
- The basic spells every witch needs