One Man's fight to end the ticks' reign of terror.
With Lyme disease and other vector-borne illnesses on the rise, the demand for tick awareness is needed now more than ever. Armed with his years of knowledge as a top speaker and educator, Brian shares his battle experiences and prevention techniques with you.
In Winning the War on Ticks you'll learn:
- About the enemy- Ticks
- Awareness of Lyme disease and other tick-born illnesses
- Proven combat methods for preventing tick bites
- Effective personal repellants
- What to do if bitten
- And more!
This book is as an informative everyman's guide on ticks and tick-borne illnesses. It's not a scientific research paper, but something that is written simply and humorously to promote awareness on the topic.
Who is Brian "The Tick Terminator" Anderson?
- Top speaker and educator on tick prevention in the USA
- Specialist on unique repellants and prevention methods
- Dedicated to providing tick awareness and support for outdoor workers, hunters, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts
It's time to go to war on ticks!
A must read for all outdoor enthusiasts, workers, or anyone who goes into the woods, especially those living or visiting the eastern US.
Start winning your war on ticks today!