Do you want to stop procrastination, laziness, and addiction?
Do you want to maximize productivity with the greatest human strength?
If yes, then keep reading...
Willpower is also called to resolve, determination, self-control, self-discipline, and drive. However, many psychologists characterize the term "willpower" or self-control in very distinct ways. According to them, willpower is defined as your ability to resist short-term temptations in order to achieve long-term goals; your capacity to delay gratification; your ability to override any unwanted thought; and your ability to have a "cool" or "calm" cognitive system of behavior rather than having an emotionally "hot" system.
A psychology professor from the University of Illinois, Dr. Ibrahim Senay, with his colleagues conducted studies on willpower in relation with self-talk. The study focused on self-talking with respect to dealing with bad habits. For more than 40 years, helping someone to analyze the process of self-talking has been the foundation of cognitive therapy in coping with anxiety and depression. Nonetheless, the analysis of self-talk for improving and managing bad habits is barely new.
Dr. Senay had two groups of participants. One group will say to themselves, "I will! I will! I will!" and the other group will say, "Will I? Will I" Will I?" Based on the results of the experiment, those who said "I will!" were far less determined and motivated to exercise compared to those that asked themselves "Will I?"
The results were unclear but still, Dr. Senay can identify the emerging patterns. Whenever you use your willpower in achieving a goal, you can immediately feel embarrassed and guilty if you start to fall short. On the other hand, if you keep an open mind about what you might have accomplished, you feel like whatever positive moves you make will make you get ahead of the expectations and in result, you will win.
This makes the steps in getting things done the better way a source of pride such as saving money, diet and exercise. You will say to yourself, "I am getting ahead...better than I expected." If you announced to yourself and to the rest of the world that "I will!" it sounds impressive. However, on a negative note, it sets you up for avoidance and shame as soon as you encounter setbacks.
From the results of the studies conducted by Dr. Senay, the message is, your best asset is your willingness to excel in whatever you are doing rather than your will to do better. For instance, you will say to yourself, "Why not give this strategy a try?" or "Could I maybe devote some effort on this"
For some reason, this works better for many because it keeps them excited on the possibility of putting their best efforts in achieving toward a goal rather than creating a momentum through pure determination. This is called "willpower paradox," a motivational twist.
This book covers the following topics:
- What is willpower?
- Understanding how willpower work
- The category of willpower
- Build willpower
- How willpower work like a muscle
- Why self-discipline and self-control are important?
- Developing self-discipline
- Understanding your willpower
- How to build an invincible willpower
...And much MORE!
Cool topics, right? Yes we all need to know this in our life. Go ahead and click the buy button NOW!