The Wiley CPAexcel Exam Review 2020 Study Guide + Question Pack: Complete Set will help you identify, focus on, and master the key topics you need to know to pass the 2020 CPA Exam. This eight-volume, printed set is comprised of four volumes of the Wiley CPAexcel Study Guides (one per exam section) and four volumes of the Wiley CPAexcel Practice Questions (one per exam section).
As a bonus, this package includes complimentary one-week access to the 2020 Wiley CPAexcel Online Test Bank, redeemable via a pin code in the back of the book.
With more than 2,000 printed pages of study text organized in Bite-Sized Lessons, roughly 2,000 printed multiple-choice questions (500 per section), and 20 printed task-based simulations (5 per section), these resources are designed to build and then test your knowledge of AICPA's CPA Exam Blueprint, as well as familiarize you with how questions are worded and presented on the CPA Exam.
- Updated for the 2020 CPA Exam
- Organized in Bite-Sized Lesson format
- Explains every topic tested, with more than 2,000 printed pages of study text
- 2,000 printed multiple-choice questions (500 per section)
- 20 printed task-based simulations (5 per section)
- Answer rationales so you can understand why your answer is correct
- Used by many leading review providers
- Updated yearly
- Bonus: one-month access to the Wiley CPAexcel Online Test Bank for each section
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