This story follows the poignant journey of two women, Janie and Diane. These two widows who have banned together to solve mysteries as private investigators in the early 1900s. They travel to Cuba on vacation in this adventure. Janie hopes her Aunt Diane will be able to get closure regarding her late husband, Will, who died under mysterious circumstances linked to the U.S.S. Maine explosion of 1898.
As they navigate the vibrant streets of Havana, they are accompanied by a charming local named Jose', who introduces them to the rich culture and cuisine of Cuba. Their journey takes a significant turn when they meet Mr. Rodgers, a figure from Diane's past who holds crucial information about Will's death. This meeting is fraught with tension as Diane confronts her memories and the unresolved questions surrounding her husband's demise. And in between they encountered Cuban bombers, thieves and even the President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt.
Key themes explored in the story include grief, the search for truth, and the complexities of moving on after loss. Diane's internal struggle to let go of Will is mirrored by her interactions with Janie, who encourages her to embrace life and the possibilities that lie ahead. The narrative also delves into the political backdrop of Cuba during this period, highlighting the tensions between American interests and the desire for independence among the Cuban people.
The story is rich with emotional depth, cultural insights, and the exploration of personal connections, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in themes of love, loss, and the quest for understanding in the face of tragedy. As Diane reflects on her past and the memories of her husband, readers are invited to join her on a journey of healing and self-discovery, ultimately leading to a sense of hope and renewal. And, of course, a great adventure and mystery.
Although this is a novella set in the middle of the Misadventures of Janie and Diane series it can stand alone.