About the Book
Cowboy poems by Ron gale are exciting, stimulating, and strictly clean poems depicting a lifetime ranching, training horses and stockdogs DANGEROUSLYTo make a living dangerously, or carry on so pleasantly, the choice is ours for us to make, but think on it for goodness sake.I always live with danger near, not living it in total fear, with that decision, I'm so sure, that danger is a constant lure.And danger always grips our lives, and everywhere danger derives, it's dangerous to just survive, or move about while we're alive.There's danger in a simple ride, in case your horse should just decide, to spook or jump or even fall, the danger's there for one and all.There's danger when ya simply drive, along a trail 'til you arrive, ya never know what danger's there, so always use a little care.While danger's not to worry us, Tho' using caution is a plus, this world is here for us to use, to not exploit or to abuse.So use it sparing and well, and if it's right you'll always tell, so take the life in which ya chose, just treat it right and you won't lose.WASTED TIMEA wasted time for most of us?Since we are close to the virus. And now I'm simply thinkin' clear, I'm hopin' for another year.Playin' with viruses and bats, is far more dangerous than rats, and it has caused a rotten trend, I'm hopin' that it's not the end.The end for me would mean, "I'm dead." And that's the very thing I dread, cause I am still gettin' ready, and I'm really slow but steady.Now I would like to specify, the many things before I die, that I would like to put to use, and then my time I can reduce.I'd like to end in Heaven's gate, but I am sure that I can wait, to see if I can rectify, some of the things from by-and-bye.Some things like in my early time, those things I thought were so sublime, those things The Lord would not condone, the things not done were I alone.Those things I've done I can't take back, but hope The Lord gives me some slack, but I'll be ready any day, and hope The Lord hears when I pray.NO MEMORYI've spent my life on a fine line, and now I've finally got the time, to reminisce and carry through, and do the things I've wished to do.But now my memory so bad, that I can truly find it sad, that when I write a shortened verse, it goes from bad to even worse.My memory I'm sure is shot, I'll carry on whether or not, I can remember every line, like as if my memorie's fine.My memory I'm sure will stay, but lose a bit most every day, I won't remember all that's lost, a bit of losin' is the cost.I'd like a lifetime memory, or of a real centenary, but now I know I won't get those, but what I'll get nobody knows.I'll get what God to me avails, and I don't know what that entails, exceptin' that right now I'm wrong, with memories seemingly gone.My memories; I've lost a bunch, and what I'll keep it's just a hunch, I hope that I don't lose it all, but only God can make that call.I lose a memory a day, for each and everyone I'll pay, and I will start to visualize, before my memory just dies.A memory I'd like to share, is one of showing love and care, and while that loving time is past, the memory of it will last.Now it was when my kids were born, my truest love was never torn, between my wife and my offspring, it truly made a body sing.Now memories are of the past, and memories do make it last, I like sweet memories the best, And others are simply a test.Like memories of a rodeo, and other events where I'd go, to try to win, or just compete, what 'ere it was 'twas truly neat.If memories do not respond, then I will know where I've been wronged, and maybe I can work it out, and head them back; a turn about.Now what I get is what I've got, and I can like it now, or not, I'll not be givin' up no how, I'll sto