The wiccan beliefs many people practice today can trace their ancestry back to our ancient stone age past. Evidence for the beginnings of the long history of wicca can first be seen in the cave paintings of the Pyrenees areas of France and Spain dating from around 17,000 years ago. Concerned with success in hunting these paintings are usually very far underground and are clearly intended to invoke the aid of the goddess of mother Earth.
A great change in the history of wicca came with the spread of farming in Europe around 10,000 years ago. The people relationship with the land changed and their need for a wider range of deities to help and protect them expanded. Evidence of elemental Gods now become more common with Gods and Goddesses of wind, rain, thunder and fertility being added to the old Sun God and moon Goddess and the history of wicca starts to become more familiar to us. The older gods of the hunt retreated back into the woods and forests and became gods of nature and the "wild wood" usually represented by the horned figure of Herne the Hunter or the leafy Green Man.
In this comprehensive guide, you'll find:
- History of wicca
- the origins of wicca
- Principles of wicca
- Benefits of witchcraft
- Myths about witches elements and personalities
- candle magic t
- Types of candles
- Candle colors and their meanings
- Preparation for candle magic
- Anointing your candles
- Setting up of a simple pagan or wiccan altar
- How to perform a wiccan ritual
- How to cast a wiccan circle
- wicca candle spells
- A spell to heal a marriage or relationship
- moonlight love attraction spell
- A Spell To Make Your Dream Job Yours
- Banishing depression
- Spell For Courage
Misconceptions About Wiccans
Wiccans worship the devil
Often confused with Satanists, followers of Wicca do not believe in the devil. The concepts of the devil and hell are part of Christian theology and have never existed in the Wiccan religion, according to "Wiccan Beliefs and Practices
Wiccans also do not believe in one almighty God, but in many gods and goddesses, This places Wicca in the same category as Buddhism and Hinduism as a polytheistic religion.
Wiccans sacrifice animals
Since Wicca is a nature-based religion, followers are encouraged to respect all living things. Wiccans make sacrifices or offerings to their chosen deities, but these offerings are usually bread, fruit, wine or flowers
Wiccans have a "dark Bible"
There is no bible that Wiccans follow. Wiccans may make a "Book of Shadows" for themselves, or may pass one down from a teacher of the faith to his or her student, but that BoS serves as a reference book.
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