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The world of magic is full of immeasurable potential. With no central, sacred text to follow, it can be difficult for an aspiring Wiccan to know where to begin. Using my many years of experience as a practitioner, I dispel all the common misconceptions about this diverse religion, giving my readers the perfect foundations for taking their first steps on their Wiccan journey. There's no agenda or bias regarding any particular practice of Wicca here: just solid information to help you curve out your own path, using the ideas that resonate with you.
This book seeks to unearth the early beginnings of Wicca and other basics that you need to know as you start out in the religion. It is more of a guide that prepares you and sets you out for greatness. You are sure to learn more about spells, shadows, different types of spells and how you can make your own spells. Let's gets started in this manifestation journey that will change the way you view the world.
This book seeks explain what a Book of Shadows and the difference between a Book of Shadows, book of spells and a grim war. My intention is to bring you closer and show you what Wicca is, take you through the journey of Wicca, spells and magic with an in depth explanation of what happens at different stages.
There are literally thousands of spells in existence, for every purpose you could possibly imagine. In this book you will find spells and other magical workings that, when applied with focused intention, can bring positive experiences into your life.
Take this as a journey rather than a quick rush or just reading for the sake of it because there's something for everyone in this book. Make this book your personal companion and that is the only way that you'll be sure to get the best and internalize all the Wicca in here. Isn't it awesome to get started on such a high note and learn?
Key Focus has been put on the following topics of interest:
- Wealth and Prosperity: We all want to be successful, wealthy and to prosper in life don't we?
- Assorted Spells and Strategies: You can cast a spell on just anything to help you get either peace, good health, friendship among other things.
- Health and Well-Being: With the shared knowledge in here, you are sure to boost your health and well-being.
- Love and Relationships: Since time immemorial, hopeful lovers have tried spells and potions of all sorts in order to bring them their one true love.
In this book you'll find spells for attracting romantic love into your life just to give you what would be a healthy relationship.
This is what the book is all about, you can trust me there is a whole lot of information in here that will not only form a basis of understanding for you as an individual, but also form as a guide as your start your Wiccan journey.
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