Many people, when presented with the ideas surrounding the Law of Attraction for the first time, will feel excited and daunted all at once. It's wonderful to know that we can shape our lives just by changing the way we think. Yet it's incredibly difficult, at least at first, for most of us to change how we think! So where should you even start?
The sources listed on the "Suggestions for Further Reading" page below contain further concepts, strategies and practices that can help you take what you've learned in this guide to the next level. You'll also find a few sources that can help you broaden your exploration of Witchcraft and magic, if you so desire. But no matter what you choose as your next step, it's worth keeping in mind that you can't force a new abstract concept like the Law of Attraction to become a solid and complete framework for your life experience right away.
Integrating a new belief takes time and patience. Most importantly, it requires the practice of paying attention to the way your mind works. As you do so, you'll identify opportunities to shift habits of thought, releasing those that no longer serve you on your path and making room for new habits that will ultimately change the way you experience the world.
This process takes different forms and occurs at a different pace for each individual, but no matter how you approach the work of changing how you think, the main thing to keep in mind is that you can choose where to put your mental energy. And even when you find yourself unintentionally falling back into old habits of thought, remember that each day is a new opportunity to make a new choice that will lead you in the direction you want to go.
Keep reaching for the better choices, and you'll see new manifestations develop in your life that feel-no matter what your spiritual orientation-just like magic.
This book provides a guide for accessing your personal magical powers and tapping into your inner potential to take your life into your own hands. If you want to lead a magical life full of love, hope, abundance, and prosperity, this book is where you need to start!
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