Have you been wondering how to create your Wiccan altar?Have you seen or read about altars in your studies and now wonder about the history and usage?
Do you need some guidance decorating your altar for specific High Holy Days? Are you completely new to Wicca and want a guide for not only altars but a brief history of Wicca, the beliefs, Esbats and Sabbats, ritual and spell working tools, ritual wear, and information on creating your own Book of Shadows to keep on your altar? Regardless of your current stage in the Craft, this book has tips for you!
For the more experienced Wiccan or Witch, this book can serve as a nice refresher for some of the more common subjects-the Wheel of the Year, British Traditional Wicca, Wicca's history, etc.-while potentially giving you new ideas for altar setups, Book of Shadow ideas, new herb uses, and more!
For the beginning Wiccan or Witch, this book can serve as a guide for creating your own altar, dispelling rumors and misconceptions about altar setups and use in spellwork and ritual, and even brief overviews of Wiccan history, writing your own Book of Shadows, the Goddess and God, common ritual and spellworking tools, their use and placement on your altar, and so much more.
So, if you think that your connection to the Divine has to follow the same path as another-possibly more experienced-practitioner, then you might be surprised by what you find in this book. If you think that your altar has to be made of wood and intricately carved, you might be surprised by what you find in this book. And if you think that decorating your altar has to be done and placed perfectly, you are definitely in for a surprise.
This book will cover the following:
- How to determine the object you will use as your altar
- What you can use to decorate your altar for the 8 Sabbats and 13 Esbats
- A brief overview of what the most popular, traditional forms of Wicca are
- What common altar tools you will need for spellwork and rituals
- The definitions of all common magical tools
- How to create your own Book of Shadows
- Crystals and their correspondences
- Colors and their correspondences
- How to create and close your Sacred Circle
- How to use your altar during spellwork and ritual
- The Four Sacred Elements and their placement on your altar
- The Goddess and God, their overview, and their representations
- The use of smell in the form of incense and essential oils during meditation, spellwork, and ritual
- Methods for cleansing, charging, and consecrating your altar, magical tools, Book of Shadows, jewelry, and anything else you use during your sacred works
If any of these things sound interesting, this is the book for you! ��������������������