About the Book
This book sheds light on why the Mediterranean diet is an unhealthy and deadly diet and also elucidates how making poor dietary choices will ravage your overall health. Moreover, appetizing healthy food recipes for improving your health which are easy to prepare are delineated in this book. Furthermore, how to substantially reduce risks for lethal chronic diseases by embracing a heart healthy, anticancer, nutrient dense, alkaline, antioxidant rich, anti-inflammatory raw fruitarian diet is expounded upon in this book. The Mediterranean diet is often mistakenly touted as a healthy diet. However, that could not be further from the truth since there are an exorbitant amount of non-alkaline, carcinogenic, acidic, pathogenic, cholesterol laced, endocrine distributive, inflammatory, and chronic disease promoting that are rendered permissible under the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is unequivocally an unhealthy, deadly, and disease promoting diet for a myriad of reasons. The Mediterranean diet renders the consumption of foods that profusely ravage the DNA, shorten the telomeres, unravel the chromosomes, comprise all facets of your health, elicit chronic diseases, draw forth severe inflammation, and that decrease your longevity rate permissible. In other words, nothing salubrious can ever ensue from consuming the unhealthy, deadly foods which are rendered permissible under the Mediterranean diet that fall outside the salubrious food categories of fruits and vegetables. The only facet of the Mediterranean diet that is aligned with prudent dietary choices is the restriction of refined grains, cakes, processed foods, refined oils, artificial sweeteners, juices, candies, ice creams, pastas, pastries, and cereals. In other words, the Mediterranean diet is essentially a sea food diet that places a emphasis on deriving calories from non-processed foods, such as "fish, eggs, dairy products, whole grains, vegetates fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, potatoes" (Gunnars, 2018). The Mediterranean diet also promotes the consumption of olive oil, red wine, herbs, and spices. Red wine is an alcoholic beverage and even extra virgin olive oil that is mistakenly believed to be healthy should also be relegated to the trash since both of these highly oxidized products are not fit for human consumption. However, even with these dietary restrictions imposed, avowed Mediterranean diet followers are preordained to succumb to inflammation and chronic diseases since the Mediterranean diet renders the consumption of a cornucopia of inflammatory, non-alkaline, disease promoting foods permissible. "Exactly which foods belong to the Mediterranean diet is controversial, partly because there is such variation between different countries. Numerous studies have now shown that the Mediterranean diet can cause weight loss. While the Mediterranean diet is based on consumption of unprocessed Mediterranean foods" (Gunnars) and has healthier food options than most diet, it unfortunately liberally offers too many unhealthy food choices to ever be considered a non-inflammatory diet that truly optimizes your health. Even though the Mediterranean diet, restricts the consumption of various unhealthy food groups, such as processed foods and refined grains, the Mediterranean diet is still an eminently unhealthy, outright deadly, and highly disease promoting diet.Fortunately, the consumption of most synthetic, bastardized man made food products are not rendered permissible under the Mediterranean diet since these types of foods are carbohydrate dense and are often replete with sugars. Human beings under no circumstance should devour synthetic, bastardized man made food products, such as cereals, breads, noodles, pies, condiments, confectioneries, sauces, processed foods, baked foods, dumplings, fermented foods, sandwiches, potato chips, pretzels, pizzas, pastries, cakes, fast foods, candies, soups, snack foods, oils, and stews.