"Why Are We Here?" delves into the timeless philosophical questions that every human, regardless of their beliefs or background, grapples with at some point in life. Central to this exploration is the fundamental question of our purpose on Earth. The book presents a thought-provoking thesis: our existence is not a completed creation but rather an ongoing process, with our time on Earth serving as a crucial phase in our spiritual growth.
The book argues that many of life's other profound questions are mere extensions of this primary inquiry. By resolving the question of our purpose, we unlock the answers to a host of other existential dilemmas.
In offering common-sense answers that transcend religious boundaries, this book appeals to a wide audience. While religious texts are referenced to support certain points, the core arguments are presented in a manner that resonates with believers and non-believers alike. The scriptures, including the Qur'an, are not the foundation of the thesis but serve as additional evidence aligning with the book's broader arguments.
Through a unique blend of philosophy, science, and religion, "Why Are We Here?" encourages readers to analyze these questions from multiple perspectives. It challenges conventional notions of concepts like "God," "Heaven," "Hell," "Predestination," and "Satan," suggesting that much of the conflict between atheistic, agnostic, and theistic views stems from rigid definitions. When approached rationally, these concepts can be understood in a way that bridges different beliefs.
For Muslims, this book offers a fresh perspective on the teachings of the Qur'an. In a time when Islam is often associated with legalism, governance, and conflict, "Why Are We Here?" shifts the focus to the spiritual and rational teachings of the Qur'an, which address the fundamental questions of life. The book invites readers-both Muslim and non-Muslim-to see the Qur'an not as a manual of rituals and politics but as a guide to understanding why we exist, why we suffer, and what true success means.
In an era marked by religious conflict and intolerance, "Why Are We Here?" serves as a timely reminder of the spiritual and rational core of Islam. By drawing on the Qur'an, alongside other scriptures like the Bible and the Buddhist Dhammapada, the book seeks to unite people in the shared pursuit of life's most essential questions.