If you are self-employed, you do a lot of networking.
You shake a lot of hands, give and get a lot of business cards, and then you go home and wait for the phone to ring.
It's really frustrating when it never rings.
You're told networking can help you grow your business, but it feels like you're driving everywhere, wasting valuable time, and for what?
Lots of small talk and very little if, any business.
Don't you wish that networking would would help you actually grow your business?
Networking can do that...
If you have the right business strategies and tactics in place to turn your network into a referral machine.
If you are tired of going to networking events and never getting business, or belonging to a lead referral group and wondering if you'll ever get a lead, this book will teach you how to turn your networking activities into profitable actions that actually grow your business.
You will learn why you need to give referrals before you can get referrals, and how to use networking to discover opportunities for yourself and your network that help all of you grow your business.
You will learn how to create a successful lead referral group that actually passes leads consistently.
You will also learn why trust is important, what the right networking attitude is and how to create networking training for yourself and your group so that everyone gets better at passing qualified leads that grow everyone's business.
If you are ready to take your networking to the next level, then this book will teach you the fundamental skills needed to make your networking into an activity that grows your business.
About the Author: Taylor Ellwood is the author of Understanding the Social in Social Media and Social Success in Social Media. He teaches business owners how to plan their business by design, instead of running it by reaction. He is also one of the premier networkers of Portland, Oregon, where he helps his network solve their problems by connecting them to the right people. He invites readers to email him at taylor@imagineyourrreality.com