Teenage friends, Leanne, Oliver, Vincent and Emma are having dysfunctional home lives. They experience neglect, abuse, violence and solitude on a regular basis. This in turn brings about other problems such as promiscuousness, drug abuse, mental health problems and criminal behaviour.
It seems as though there is no way out, but they are reading a novel at school entitled 'Who Will Live Your Life?', and their teacher has told them that it might just help them prosper in the future.
As they reach young adulthood, they make bad decisions due to how their problematic home lives have affected them. At first it appears as though their mistakes will not have such a bad effect on them, but as life goes on, they start to pay dearly for their indiscretions. It seems that there will be no way back for them, unless they get the help that they need.
If they are to make something of their lives, they will have to go back to the book they read at school and answer the most significant question that they will ever be asked; who will live your life?
'Who Will Live Your Life?' is a work of fiction that is also a self-help book. It covers issues such as child abuse, mental health, violence, addictions, toxic relationships and other issues that teenagers and adults may endure throughout their lives.
The aim of the book is for people to understand what they have been through, identify how it will affect them in life and make the right decisions so that they can successfully cope with what they have experienced.
To achieve this the novel tells the story of the four protagonists reading a book at school entitled 'Who Will Live Your Life?' This invites the reader to imagine themselves as a character within the story so that they can address their individual issues and bring about changes in their own life.