How did I end up here?Have you ever wondered that question?
In this case, here happens to be wherever it is you currently find yourself. If you look back, you can see a series of logical decisions that have led you to this point in your life, wherever this point currently happens to be. Here isn't even a bad place to be-it's probably gotten you a lot of benefits, friends, and joy. But here also brings with it a set of consequences, disappointments, and let down.
Everyone ends up here. The benefits are different for each person, as are the consequences, but for most of us, there are points throughout life where we look up and wonder "How did I end up here?"
Who Do You Think You Are? is a study of the nature of being human. It's an explanation of how you (and others) came to be the way you wound up being, why humans seem so contradictory, and how to lead and develop leadership in the face of this contradiction. Once you're clear on what's really at play, it opens the door to an infinite number of options, as opposed to the single option we tend to try to lead with: fixing what is broken in the other person or in ourselves.
Who Do You Think You Are? provides insight into how our fear works, what our blindspots are, and why our strategies to stay safe and get what we need tend to have the opposite effect. Most importantly, it teaches you how to lead, yourself and others, in the face of all of this.
If you've found that the strategies, tactics, and lifehacks you've attempted seem more reliable to create temporary, incremental change, rather than the big transformation you're hoping for, Who Do You Think You Are? will shed light on why this is the case, and provide insight into what you may do instead.