About the Book
American Race problem plays out on a National and international stage. Race relations is a dilemma that the world community must deal with from an open-minded mentality. It's no secret all nations of the world have issues and problems that stem from our racial bias and cultural intolerances; Because only in America Adolf Hitler generational taught racism, bigotry, hate, nu-tollerences for ones God given skin color and religious beliefs. I will die for my beliefs that the state of Florida is nothing more than a 75,000 square mile of mass neo-Nazi KKK skinhead Adolf Hitler cesspool like grave yard concentration prison death camp Jim Crow slave plantation and holocaust for blacks, people of color and whites who chose to race mix in the world, and hate factory. Florida evil generational taught hatred is as old as God and as mordern as the iphone 2012 version, Florida stand your ground law is Neo-Nazi skinhead like, and a Hitler agenda American law. that is nothing more than American promoting, condoning, embracing Adolf Hitler white master race christian theology Genocide, slaughters of all nu-white American citizens. As I wrote in this book and will say until the day I die excessive guns, assault Rifles, Hitler, Satan, Child pedophillia, Hate, NRA, lynchings, Florida, Racism, Osama Bin Laden, lawyers, politicians, nu-tollerence, bullets, slavery, KKK, skin heads, al-Qaeda, terrorist groups, are all biologically brothers and sisters join at the hip in the eye sight of almighty God. They all share the same mother and father and evil demonic adolf hitler like DNA profile and characteristics an Ideology, and that is they all commit Mass genocide and world slaughters, fuck over and exploit millions and millions of Gods innocent children a year without a single once of regret or remorse. But until we admit our shortcomings concerning treating each and every human being in Gods world, in the way we are self would like to be treated, and then race reconciliation will just be a figment of our imagination that is far removed from every day thoughts and ideals. God could have made all of us black, white, Indian, Japanese, Asian, gay, Muslim, Jewish, but no, He made all of us different for his glory. To have us live to gather explore our differences and learn and grow spiritually from them. I can't say how other countries are doing with race relations, I can only comment on my own country that I love so dearly and with such compassion. America has failed in the worse way possible. God gave so much and we have given so little back. America have failed God, our children and their children. America, when does it end, because I see no end in sight. First of all, we must come to the undeniable truth that America is going backwards at lightning speed with race relations and socio-economic injustice. Out of fundamental fairness to our white sister and brothers we as black American must stop all the self-hate of ourselves and each other. As I travel this great country I have notice you stand a better chance of geting a HI or Smile from a Neo-Nazi skin head in a full KKK outfit or a basket of rattlesnakes before receiving a Hi and a smile from other black American bar none. Me personally I think we as black America still have the slave mentality of yard Nigger- House Nigger in our DNA profile and we cannot shake it loose. First black American we can still live in our all white gated communities, drive our fancy cars, Hate God for creating us black, send our kids to all white schools and churches, Earn over $10 and hour and still treat other blacks as if God gave us a human side an treat each other with human decency an respect and fundamental kindness, I often say we black America are envious an hate ourselves, each other so demonically and evily I believe 50% of us secretly donate money to the KKK, Shin heads of America, and Tea Partyers, God will not bless or elevate any race of people with that kind of sick, demonic, fuckup mindset and attitud