Do you know that a man without relevant knowledge is bound to famish in the midst of plenty, and parch with thirst though living at the shore of fresh waters? So much says the scripture in Isa. 5:13,
"Therefore My people go into captivity (to their enemies) without knowing it and because they have no knowledge (of God). And their honorable men (their glory) are famished, and their common people are parched with thirst." (Amp Bible)
It is even worse for those who refuse to apply revealed and available knowledge; for it is only experiential (rightly applied) right knowledge, rather than mere head knowledge, that delivers and make one wise and free.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge..." (Hos. 4:6)
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (Jn. 8:32)
Is it a slight thing to see how many honorable men (children of God) are grievously famishing and languishing in abject wretchedness in the midst of boundless riches of our heavenly Father, His clearly revealed will concerning us, and His freely offered grace to prosper? (3 Jn. 2, Psa. 37:25-26, Psa. 34:8-10). Is this not expressly insulting the integrity and love of God in giving us His only begotten Son, and thus apparently taking His grace in vain? (Rom. 8:32, 2 Cor. 8:9).
Again, I have found a folly among the seed of Abraham. It seems many of us are content with the crumbs of "30 days-make-a-pay" rather than taking up available advantages and opportunities to beneficially explore our God-given potentials. I feel ashamed many times when I discover that some prefer to pine away and perish in their "Pharaoh's employment", because of the stringed dainty of cucumber, melon, etc. (Prov. 23:1-3), rather than taking a risk with God in the temporary wilderness, bearing with His unfailing manna, until they break through and break forth unto their land of milk and honey (Num. 11:4-9, Deut. 8:1-5, 15-16).
In this book, I present not to you the theory or philosophy of riches or poverty. My primary aim is to drag you out of your ignorance and/or folly by the instrumentality of revealed word of God, and challenge you to arise and begin to cultivate your fallow ground and dig deep into your unlimited potentials and possibilities. I mean, you have long idly encompassed this present terrain, sitting unprofitably upon an endlessly deep divine treasure. It is high time you laid your hands upon the plough, cultivate your treasure ground, and sow your heaven-bred seed. I assure you, God is more than willing and very ready, to give the increase (1 Cor. 3:6-7). Or, is there anything wrong in you too prospering to the glory of God, and becoming a just employer of others?