About the Book
You might not realize it but as Christians, we have a Real King and His name is, Jesus Christ. In our normal thinking because Jesus is in Heaven, we simply do not realize that we serve a Real live King, Lord of Lords and King of Kings. There is no other like Him. He came to this world as a King, and He ascended, back into Heaven as our King also. However when Jesus walked in this world, He was not treated as a Royal King because the ones that mocked Him, persecuted Him and hung Him on the Cross, killed our King because of sin and hatred because of their natural thinking. Yet when they hung Him on the Cross of Calvary, they put a sign above His Cross, saying King of the Jews. In Gods Great wisdom, He sent His only begotten Son to die for us all, yet Jesus Love for all of us, said this that He laid down His life for us because He knew He was the ultimate sacrifice, for mankind to have a way back into the hands and Grace of God because of the sin of Adam and Eve, you know the story about the sin in the Garden of Eden. Jesus was the sacrificed Lamb, for our redemption, so we all could become born again and through this Spiritual experience of being born again by the Spirit of God, Jesus made a way through repentance, as Gods Spirit drew us by His Spirit, we could be saved, as God deals with are heart, all we have to do is, ask for forgiveness of our sins, He is our Savior. However though, when Jesus came to this world, He was a Royal King, He died on the Cross for our sins as a King, and when He rose from the dead, He proved His Kingship unto all of the world, His name was cast abroad to the world, about what happened, yet Bible Prophesy, already Prophesied of His coming as our Messiah. Jesus laid His life down for every one of us and He called us His Friends, now that is defiantly, real honest to Gods Love, isn't it my Dear Reading Friend, but listen to this. Jesus did all of this, as a King, though He was a Royal King. Our Savior as a Great King, sacrificed His life for all of mankind, to give us the Grace of becoming Gods Children as we, were born again by Gods Spirit. WOW, Jesus Love for us, even though He is a Royal King, laid His life down for us. Do you think that any of the kings of this world, would lay down their life for us? There is no way, they would not, so our King Jesus is a very special King, isn't He, my Dear Reading Friend. Do you think that our president would, lay down his life for us or would he have his men to take him into their protection, I'll let you draw your own conclusion. Here is what Gods Word says about Jesus, being a King, our King. Jesus was born a King of the Jews, He was born in this world as a King, they said where is He that was born King of the Jews, then announcing that they have come to worship Him BECAUSE THEY SAW HIS STAR. WOW... Jesus was sought after from His birth, to be killed, that's Satan for you. There is more. The Kingdom of Heaven is likened unto a certain King, which would take account of His servants, meaning taking all responsibility, of all of His servants, even all of the Saints of God. Jesus fulfilled scriptures and rode on an ass, humbling Himself as our King, made Himself of no reputation, hero or as a man, with a big swelled head that couldn't fit through the door. Here is what our King did; He walked the earth rising up men to become Fishers of Men. He healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out devils and books cannot contain all of His miracles. Jesus was an Apostle, a Prophet, an Evangelist, a Pastor and a Teacher, a Friend and a King. Jesus establishing the pattern for things to come, as He was seated at the right hand of the Father, in all of Heavens glory and power, He established His Kingdom rights as our true King that could die, raise from the dead, save Souls through the born again experience that He preached and taught about and when He went to Heaven He established, the plan of salvation for mankind to be entered into the Grace of G
About the Author: My name is Pastor Luke L. Chapman. I haven't always been a preacher, quite the contrary. When I was a young teenager everyone always said: "Boy what a good kid Luke is. He is a wonderful young man." Because of a stepfather that had no love for me, my clothes were packed for me and placed on the front porch on Christmas morning. Arrangements were already made for a near friend to pick me up to take me to my real dad's home. This became a cycle unto me. I learned soon to take flight in life, realizing I'm on my own. I was kicked out of school for truancy, failure to want to go to school and to learn. This started a foundation for my life, for my ongoing future. My new friends taught me how to smoke, drink, and cuss and to tell lies. I graduated to smoking weed and using cocaine. I never drank or used cocaine on a regular basis. I just started on weekends or invited parties. I got married and had a Child when I was 21 years old. But, with a lifestyle of drinking, spending money in bars and not on bills or in my home, I soon went through a divorce. Does this sound familiar, like today's youths? At this time, now I'm remarried my wife and I are both cocaine addicts. My wife smoked weed? I sold weed and cocaine to supply our habits. My wife left me one day. I was arrested the same day and put in jail. In jail, I bowed my knees on the floor in my cell. I was the only one there that day. I called upon Jesus and was saved and sent to North Central Correctional Institution. I never thought anyone cared. But I was so wrong. What was meant for evil for me, God changed for the good. Prison became My Bible College. Prison was where God counseled me about my morals. God taught me about being a good husband, a good father unto my Children and how a preacher must live and act. I served six and a half years in prison to learn not do use drugs, not to walk through life aimlessly. I learned my lesson. God raised me up to be a preacher in prison. Prison was my lifesaver. Wow, what a statement one might say! The reason prison was my lifeline was I could have graduated to the other side of life... Six Feet Down. I almost did! I had a heart attack, just before I was sent to prison, from smoking crack cocaine. I almost died. Your Friend... The Harley Davidson Preacher Man Luke L. Chapman Gods Vision... A Ministry of Fire For information contact THE VILLAGE CARPENTER PUBLISHING HOUSE, PO Box 133, Lakeview, Ohio 43331 USA or see TheVillageCarpenter.info