About the Book
About the Author
Climate change has emerged as a major challenge to our agriculture, indeed to the management of our economy as a whole. The immediate problems that our farmers face relate to intra-seasonal variability of rainfall, extreme events and unseasonal rains. These aberrations cause heavy losses to our crops every year. There is therefore an urgent necessity for us to devise appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies for gearing up our efforts to evolve climateresilient crop varieties, cropping patterns and water management practices for ensuring food security, enhancing livelihood opportunities and contributing to economic stability at the national level. Robust mechanisms to strengthen interactions between agricultural scientists and our farmers and also ensure better convergence between research and developmental needs. The research papers in the proceedings of National Seminar on Water Management and Climatic Smart Agriculture is reviewing the current climate change policy responses fall short of addressing the realities of poor rural farmers who are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and paint an alternative way forward by defining innovative techno-economic-eco-resilient strategies to overcome the gaps of contemporary mitigation and adaptation programmes in agriculture by bringing to the fore the actual priorities, needs, and knowledge of farming communities themselves and suggest suitable recommendations to farming community and Government organizations to look far and wide in our agricultural research system and will succeed in delivering the national goals on agricultural productivity whatever be the odds.
Table of Contents:
1st Vol:- Preface 7 1. The Challenges of Climatic Drift on Productivity of Wheat in India 15 Indu Sharma, Ravish Chatrath, Satish Kumar and R Sendhil 2. Challenges of Climatic Change on Productivity of Groundnut 29 K. Chakraborty, D. Bhaduriand Radhakrishnan T. 3. Identification of Early Maturing High Yielding Mutants in Black Gram [Vigna Mungo (L.) Hepper] 40 Mohan Dadarwal 4. Salt Stress and Its Management in Fruit Crops 50 V. B. Shinde, S. S. Wandre, M.G. Bhoyar and M.V. Ramdevputra 5. Genetic DivergenceAnalyses in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Germplasm Lines 60 Harsh Vardhan Singh Shekhawat 6. Reliability of Single Vs Ensemble Model Simulations to Study the Impacts of Climate Change onAgriculture: CLIVAGRI Project Experience 66 Raveendra H. Patil (Ravi Patil) 7. Nano Particle Production – For Climate SmartAgriculture 76 P. S. Pandit 8. Impact of Different Salinity Levels of Irrigation Water on Castor Genotypes and Soil Properties 87 Shalini Kumari and M.S. Solanki 9. Effect of Irrigation and Foliar Fertilisation on Yield of Chickpea (CicerArietinum L.) 92 J.K. Nandaniya, D.S. Hirpara, G. S. Sutaria and V.D. Vora 10. Climate Change Compliant Crop: Pearl Millet 99 C.J. Dangaria, K.D. Mungra and P.R. Padhar 11. Enhancement of Water Productivity under Rice Ecosystem: A Review 109 Fakeerappa Arabhanvi, Amit M. Pujar and Shruti M. Yogikoppa 12. Effect of Fertiliser and Crop Geometry on Productivity and Economics of Cluster Bean Varieties under Climate Change Condition 119 Satyakumari Sharma, Rahul Sharma and H.M. Bhuva 13. Effect of Rainfall Variability and Supplemental Irrigation in Rainfed Groundnut under Scarce Rainfall Zone of Andhra Pradesh 127 K. Madhusudhan Reddy, Y. Pavan Kumar Reddy, B. Sahadeva Reddy and Ch. Appa Rao 14. Development of Weather Based Forewarning Modules for the Management of Fruit Flies in Mango Orchard 132 D. M. Jethva, V. R. Virani and J. B. Bhut 15. Salt Tolerance in Tropical Fruit Crops – A Review 141 Akula Venu, A.V. Barad, D.V. Delvadia, M.V. Ramdevputra and P. Parameshwar 16. Effect of Cyclic Water Stress and Potassium on Dry Matter Yield and Nutrients Uptake by Summer Groundnut 150 H.L. Sakarvadia, K.B. Parmar and K.B. Polara 17. Response of Drilled Rabi Fennel (Foeniculumvulgare Mill.) to Irrigation based on IW: CPE Ratios and Varying Level of Nitrogen 156 Mukesh Kumar Joshi and B.S. Patel 18. Effect of Cutting Management and Nitrogen Levels on the Growth and Yield of Forage Chicory (ChicoriumIntybus L.) Under North Gujarat Conditions 160 Mukesh Kumar Joshi and B.S. Patel 19. Study on Summer Sesame Response to Different Sowing Time and Irrigation Regimes 165 K.N. Sondarva, H.D. Rank and P.S. Jayswal 20. Response of Garlic to Sulphur Sources under Sodic Soil Conditions 176 Pamu Swetha and M.S. Solanki 21. Yield and Yield Attributes as Influenced by Terminal Water Stress and Benzyl Adenine in Pearl Millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.] Genotypes 182 G.V. Marviya and D.N. Vakharia 22. Effect of Weather Parameters on Abundance of Shoot and Fruit Borer, Leucinodesorbonalis Guenee Infesting Brinjal 195 A.V. Khanpara, P.J. Kalsariya and L.K. Chejara 23. Forecasting Adult Populations of Gram Pod Borer Helicoverpa Armigera (Hübner) on Chickpea using Pheromone Traps 202 Divya, C., D.M. Jethva and M.V. Ramdevputra 24. Impact of Climate Change on Population Dynamics of Pest Complex of Soybean 207 L.K. Chejara and A.V. Khanpara 25. Interrelationships and Path Coefficients for Twelve Components of Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) in Late Shown Condition under Normal and Limited Irrigated Condition 215 Raiyani G.D., Bhatiya V.J., Patel K.D., Hadiya A.M. and Lalwani H.H. 26. Selection Indices for Yield Improvement in Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) in Normal and Limited Irrigation Condition under Late Sown Condition 226 Komal Patel, Raiyani G.D., Bhatiya V.J. Lalwani H.H., and Hadiya A.M. 27. Genetic Variability, Correlation and Path Analysis in Bread Wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) Genotypes under Limited Water for Timely Sown Condition 238 Hadiya A.M., Parnaliya, J.B., Raiyani G.D., Komal Patel and K.H. Dabhi 28. Influence of Weather Parameters on Major Insect Pests of Mustard 247 H.N. Patel, M.R. Patel and A.V. Khanpara 29. Simulating the Crop Yield Response to Climate 252 H.M. Bhatu, H.D. Rank, R.J. Patel, D.M. Paradava, J.H. Kelaiya, and Sarika S. Wandre 30. Effect of Weather Parameters on Occurrence of Jassid Infesting Blackgram 264 A.R. Rupavatiya, A.V. Khanpara and H.N. Patel 31. Effect of Weather Parameters on Incidence of Leaf Miner Infesting Soybean 268 B.A. Ghadage, A.V. Khanpara and B.V. Sureja 32. Effect of Weather Parameters on Incidence of Jassid Infesting Bt Cotton 275 D.K. Makwana, B.B. Kabaria and A.V. Khanpara 33. Effect of Water Stress on Flowering, Fruit Set and Yield in mrig bahar Guava (Psidium guajava L.) under Saurashtra Climatic Condition cv. Bhavnagar Red 280 Tejendra Singh, D.K. Varu, Akula Venu and Ajay Karna 34. Influence of Weather Parameters on Progress of Alternaria Leaf Spot of Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.) 287 V.V. Rajani, M.G. Valu and M.D. Khanpara 35. Impact of Weather Factor on Incidence of Inflorescence Pests of Mango 291 J.B. Bhut and D.M. Jethva 36. Relationship of Meteorological Parameters on Progress of Bacterial Leaf Blight of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) 297 M.G. Valu, V.V. Rajani and M.D. Khanpara 37. Climate Change Impact on Pulse Beetle Callosobruchus Maculatus (Fabricius) Comparative Biology on Different Stored Pulses 301 Chudasama J.A., Sharma, Satyakumari, Acharya M.F. and Sagarka N.B. 38. Population Dynamics of Aphis gossypii Glover on Coriander in Relation to Biotic and Abiotic Factors 309 M.K. Kanani, Aheibam Ranila, J.B. Bhut and P.K. Borad 39. Population Dynamics of Sucking Pests and Their Correlation with Weather Parameters in Cluster Bean, Cyamopsis Tetragonaloba L. 314 R.L. Kalasariya, H.G. Kanara, M.F. Acharya and D.M. Jethva 40. Effect of Abiotic and Biotic Factors on Population Build-Up of Pest of Cluster Bean Through Path Co-efficient Analysis (Aphis Craccivora Koch) 321 T.K. Chandravadiya, D.J. Vadjaand and R.L. Kalasariya 41. Effect of Farm Yard Manure and Potassium on Yield of Summer Groundnut under Different Cycles of Water Stress 327 K.B. Parmar, H.L. Sakarvadia, J.M. Modhvadia and Vinotha B. 42. Climate Change Impact on Crop Productivity and Economics under Irrigation, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels of Pearl Millet (Pennisetumglaucum L.) 334 H.M. Bhuva, B.C. Bochalya, Satyakumari Sharma and R.M. Javia 43. Hydroponic Techniques in Floriculture 341 A.L. Regar, B.V. Thumar, S. Bishnoi, N.D. Polara and T.C. Saini List of Contributors 351