About the Book
If you have ever attempted to call the Washington Journal on C-SPAN with a Great Idea within the Belly of your Mind, you no doubt soon discovered that they do not have Time nor Patience to hear you out. In fact, it is intimidating, just to telephone them: because they have the power to cut you off at any given time, and without any apologies, and especially if you mention something that irritates them - such as what Actually Happened during September 11th, 2001. Therefore, this Inspired Book proposes "The Great Worldwide TELEVISED Court HEARING," whereby all Victims may testify, and all Suspects can be summoned to Court without the Fifth Amendment! (Beware George Warmonger Bush, Incorporated!) In fact, that is the only Rational Way to go about Solving ALL of our Massive Problems with a Capital S. Moreover, Amazon.com Offers a ONE-MILLION-DOLLAR REWARD to anyone who can Prove these God-Inspired Solutions to be WRong or Unworkable! Indeed, this unique book even reveals how to get rid of all Taxes, Worldwide, as well as Interest / Usury, Insurance, and Air-conditioning Bills, among other hateful things! Just Think, no Politician, Preacher, nor Teacher would ever make such an Offer: beCAUSE they do not have Reasonable Solutions for anything. (At least we have yet to Hear such Solutions, if they do have them.) Please be sure to tell your Friends, Relatives, and Naaberz that there is now a Reasonable Way to Discover the Best Solutions for our Massive Problems, and it is NOT by Means of the Washington Journal, nor by Means of any other Talk Show, nor by Congressional Meetings. "The Great Worldwide Televised Court Hearing" is a NEW and Unique Idea, which has not been Possible, until NOW! This Special Book asks the Hard Questions that most People have never Heard, and it gives Answers that are most Amazing, and even Shocking! For Example, do you know HOW to get Rid of ALL Taxes, Worldwide? Our Selected King will not have you rolling around on the floor with laughter; but, when you come to realize just how Ignorant your elected officials have been, and what a simple Solution there is for that Massive Problem, you will at least be Smiling! Yes, it will Amaze you, Dumbfound you, and Paralyze your Funny Bone, if you are a Silly Politician! Meanwhile, the Ears of almost all Preachers and Teachers will become Crimson Red with Shame: beCause they Failed to Teach the Great Truths within this Inspired Book; but, the Tax Slaves and Interest Slaves will be Rejoicing with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and all other Revolutionaries of Greater Faith. You too can finally get those Banksters and Highway Robbers by their Balls, as Mark Twain would say (even if his Wife edited it out of his book), and without any Shame! Now is the Time to get yourself Positioned for the Overthrow of Babylon, and the End of this Madness! Stock up on Food and Water, and get Ready to Revolt without Firing a single Shot: beCause this will be a Peaceful Revolution, and the most Pleasant Revolution in all of History: beCause of that Great Meeting of the Most Intelligent Minds! Yes, you have to Meditate on it, and Polish those Gems of Truths within your own Mind! Yes, Open your Window of Faith, and let the Light of Truths Shine into your House of Love, so that you might Discover the KEY of the Nolij of All that is Good and Evil, whereby you might Unlock the Door of Confession, and help yourself and your Loved ones to Escape from their Prison of Lies, and be set Free from Tax Slavery, Interest Slavery, Insurance Slavery, Drug Slavery, Work Slavery, and all other Kinds of Slavery! Guaranteed! The Irreverent LOUDMOUTH Sloth-gut Windbag Hole-in-his-Head will be the most Amazed, and the Irreverent Snake, who wears a Multi-colored Coat of Self-deceptions and Religious Lies will have his Tale of Lies CUT OFF right behind his Spiritually Deaf Ears, you might say, and Abraham Lincoln will be rolling over in his Grave, smiling with Great Satisfaction!